Title: No celebration
malfanaRating: PG
Genre: Het
Characters/Pairing: Dean/Carmen
Spoilers: None unless you haven’t seen “What Is and What Should Never Be”
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything related to Supernatural.
Summary: When everything is falling apart you need someone to rescue you
Written for the
blast from the past challenge at
spn_het_love Freefalling in 500 words.
You choose the plot, you choose the characters and you choose the theme. All we’re asking is that you keep it under 500 words or less.
A/N: Some of you may recognize parts from an old story of mine. From another fandom. It’s just that I was reading it over the weekend, seeking for inspiration, when I got the idea. I re-used some lines that I thought fit well.
I’ve always wondered how Dean and Carmen have met. How she could have become “the one”. Here’s an attempt of an answer. As I had to write quite a short story, I ended up by cutting some parts that I kinda liked at first. Keep the story straight to the point. Hopefully, you'll like it anyway.
Again. I’m not a native English speaker so please excuse my grammar and/or spelling mistakes
Carmen punched the elevator button. Dean was heading toward her, bumping awkwardly into her colleagues as he moved.
“Hi,” he said shoving nervously his hands into his pockets as she looked up. “I wanted to thank you for this morning.”
“I’m really sorry we couldn’t save your father”. He nodded.
“Are you leaving?”
“Yeah. I finished my shift. I don’t really feel like celebrating,” she sighed, glancing up at the indicator which pointed at the floor the car was rising to. Six. They were on the third.
“How are you?” she asked, leaning against the wall while she waited.
Dean stared at the ground, said nothing.
“Sorry. Stupid question.”
They were silent as the swing music egged the party into a more animated, giddy, drunken mess. Someone bumped into Dean from behind and nearly toppled him into her. He was too close. She felt an unfamiliar unnerving tingling at the base of her spine and worked her arms into her coat.
“As I said I just wanted to thank you,” he finally let out. “I should get going.” She tore her eyes away from him and looked up as the elevator door behind them opened with a muffled ‘ding’. Carmen stood motionless for a moment. “Third,” she choked out.
“Third,” he agreed, and watched her back into the elevator.
The door rushed shut. What was he doing here? He should be with his mother but couldn’t face her. He held up until Sammy arrived but had to leave the house afterwards. He felt disoriented and perplexed. The dance floor, the flashing lights and the swing band swam past him into a blur. A hand pulled him from behind and into silence where the only sound was their breath against one another. He was pressed against her as he’d fallen back into the elevator when she grabbed him.
She felt his hands slide up the back of her thighs and lift her up so that she twisted her legs around his waist, and willed him to press her against the elevator wall. She sighed as his lips finally touched hers and trailed down her cheek to her neck but most lingeringly back to her mouth. There was no subliminal reason, no poetic closure, no aphrodisiac which rationalised it.
He was kissing her again as the elevator slowed to an eventual stop at the lobby floor. They walked outside to the sidewalk. He slid his hand to the nape of her neck under her smooth hair and felt her sigh. He lifted his other hand high to hail a cab, but kept his eyes on her. A taxi slowed to a stop beside them and Dean pried open the door with one hand for her to slide inside. Carmen grabbed him so that he toppled inside on top of her. The cab driver, with a look that plainly showed he’d seen it all, asked them “where to”.
“Just drive.” someone said, and, to all three of them, it didn’t really matter who.