(no subject)

Jun 18, 2006 14:58

Oi, I'm back from my two-day cancer walk thing in Bridgewater. Relay for Life was... okay. Twenty-one hours of at least two people from our sixteen-person team walking around the track. I got absolutely no sleep through the whole thing; the only other two who did not sleep were Amanda and Jordan: Amanda is crazy and wild and happy and Jordan was sick.
Okay, so, we raised over $1000 and that was cool. I usually walked with Jordan, Catherine, Amanda, and Charlotte for most of the time, because I'm friendliest with them and I really felt that they were the ones who I could stand spending a crapload of time with. I walked without socks and, by some miracle, have no sores on my feet; my feet simply ache from so much walking. I spent most of the day walking and walked through the whole night with Jordan, Amanda, and Catherine. At one point the four of us sat on the bleachers for a few hours and just talked. That was the best part, since the four of us talk freely with each other and didn't have to worry about other girls freaking on us for sitting or about what we were talking about.

The morning... sucked. When the four of us got back to our tents after some more night-walking, we sat and talked for a bit and eventually Jackie, one of the other girls, woke up due to our "screaming". Because whispering is very much like screaming, apparently. Nyeh. So she was pissed at us for the rest of the day for waking her up from an hour of sleep, and Amanda and I told her to shush it because we got no sleep and that we basically walked the whole night. Later in the day Michela's friend Fitzy came for the contest of "Dude Looks Like a Lady" which was hilarious. We dressed him up like a girl; he was in: an old blue prom dress, Jordan's flower-patterned bra that clashes terribly; overdone make-up; his hair (which goes nearly to his waist and is longer than mine) was braided a bit; and to top it off, we blew up two pink balloons and he shoved them into the bra for a bit of effect. He then marched around the track twice while twirling Charlotte's pretty parasol. Jordan missed it because she was sick, and that stunk because she was looking forward to it like woah. She lurves Fitzy, and after meeting him, I can't blame her. He was adooooraaable. He was really tall and should shower more, yeah, but... HE LIKES FOOLY COOLY, and therefore wins at life. Of course I felt very sad, though, because Michela treats him like crap, and he's just a puppy to her. And this, of course, drives Jordan mad because she lurves Fitzy and it drives me mad because he's so nice and I hate seeing people treated like crap for no reason at all. Sigh. So, yeah, everywhere hurts like woah right now. It feels like I pulled every possible muscle in my body. But I've showered and washed up and I feel a bit better. Aside from the fact that today is Father's Day and Pop is bringing over his girlfriend. Ugh. So, I'd much rather be anywhere but home right now, but that is beside the point. Ta!

P.S. The pool is all done! Clean and running and such. Finally. 


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