SIGNUPS: Round 36 (Spike)

Apr 11, 2010 15:01

Note: Due to Mod Flakiness in getting the poll closed on time, signups will be open until Tuesday evening, not Monday. We apologize for any inconvenience.

For a long while, there was a three-way tie going, but in the end, the winner for round 36 turned out to be our favorite blond vampire, Spike!

Important dates:
Tuesday, April 13: Signups close, no earlier than 7 PM EDT
Wednesday, April 14: Assignments will be sent by 11:59 PM EDT
Sunday, April 25: Fic of 500 words or more is due by 11:59 PM  EDT

If you're new to the community, or need a refresher, please check out the rules before  signing up.

Signups couldn't be easier--just copy the information from the text box below into a comment, and replace ANSWER HERE with your information.

Your name/pseud:ANSWER HERE
Your email:ANSWER HERE
Male character you want paired with Spike::ANSWER HERE
Up to three things you want in your fic:ANSWER HERE
Up to two things you don'twant:ANSWER HERE
Preferred maximum rating:ANSWER HERE

One to three men you would prefer to write with Spike:ANSWER HERE
Other men you could write with Spike:ANSWER HERE
Up to three men you can't/won't write with Spike:ANSWER HERE
Anything else you can't/won't write?:ANSWER HERE
Any other comments or questions:ANSWER HERE

"Male character" should be interpreted as "canonical male character from BtVS, AtS, or  Firefly/Serenity."

We will try to give you a request that uses one of your preferred pairings, if possible, but  that will depend on the other signups. We will not match you with something you have  said you can't write.

A round must have 5 signups by closing time for us to guarantee that it will be held.  Rounds with fewer than 5 signups may or may not be held, depending on whether or not  we can match requests to authors. (If we can possibly make it work, we will.)

round:36, character:spike, admin:signup posts

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