Last Dog Watch Off Miami - 1/1 Spike/Xander Mature

Mar 29, 2009 07:14

Title: Last Dog Watch Off Miami
Rating: Mature
Summary: Somewhere off the coast of Miami, Xander kills time feeding the gulls
Warnings: Seasickness, day old bagels, chum
Notes: Written for bookishwench who wanted Spander, birds, a boat and a bagel. I belatedly noticed an unconscious similarity of approach and location so this might be later in the Essentially A Partnership universe. Which I also wrote for bookishwench on a maleslashminis Xander challenge. You can take it as part of the same 'verse or not.

The title and cut tag are Naval terms.

Three bells

character:xander, rating:frm, pairing:spike/xander, character:spike, round:31, author:reremouse

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