Feb 15, 2011 03:30
Valentines day was a total success. I saw approximately 6 women the entire day including my time at the gym, and I didn't buy anything for anyone. Perfect. Valentines day is a day for people to compensate for all the things they didn't do for the ones they love that they should have been doing all year round. I guess that doesn't apply to everyone, but either way, if things are going wrong, one day of being really nice isn't going to change anything. It may prolong it for a while, but in about 3 days it'll be right back to the way things were. Messed up. Oh well. It's a nice thought but if they're going to set aside a specific day for it, it needs to be more often, like once a week or something. I'm rambling. Unread the last paragraph.
The gym.... is going effing awesome. It makes me feel better, I have more self confidence, My lung capacity is coming back. It's great. Smoking however, not so much. I want so badly to quit. It's draining. It doesn't help that everyone I work with smokes either. I guess I'll keep with it. Will power has never been my strong suit. That's gonna have to change.
I have to wake up early and eat breakfast. That's just my excuse so I can stop writing and sleep. I'm tired. Goodnight LJ world.