Post-ponderings on DR ^_^

Oct 25, 2005 18:38

Huge thanks for the feedback! I'll be answering the various points individually, as there were many good ones, but here's a shot to cover recurrent themes, as well as the conclusions to my ponderings:

. Maybe I should have qualified 'Dark' in my last post. Because with Gaara, Dark can get 'pitch black, real monsters under the bed' kind of darkness. I'm not going that far I'll save that for another fic- ahg, save me from the bunnies!!
I just wanted to make sure it was okay with the tone of the fic to turn away from light-hearted humour, and explore the darker aspects of the characters. You guys don't seem to mind, so I'm going for it ^_^

. I'm keeping the Mal-icious sense of humour though :P It'll just be the occasional one-liner instead of entire funny scenes, but it should still be there; if even my single deathfic had funny lines, I think it's safe to say I cannot write without humour.

. This may be a spoiler - so look away now - but this will have a happy ending, if I have to write 30 bloody chapters to get there. I like these two characters, they deserve a break and, more importantly, they're both strong enough to force fate to give them that break if fate won't oblige on its own. Heck, despite the tension and drama that's brewing, there's moments in the coming chapters that are, for me, downright romantic (by Mal standards, I repeat; no dinners and candlelight).

Next chapter may not be out this weekend, as I have to work on Freeport, and I have to sketch the next few chapters in advance to make sure I'm heading in the direction I think I'm heading. Huge thanks for the encouragements and trust ^____^ I really, really hope I'll be up to it!

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