Pondering 'Diplomatic Relations'

Oct 24, 2005 16:40

Between work, Freeport, housework and more work, I've been pondering DR, and this is where I need a soundbox *puppy-dog eyes*

DR started off light-hearted and funny, and I love humour, but does that make it a comedy? What I'm pondering is the next few chapters I'm sketching out. Lee is easy and fun to write, but now the story is going to include more of Gaara.

Depending on how realistically I handle Gaara's issues, this could considerably change the tone of the fic. Gaara with realistically-handled issues doesn't fit in with 'light-hearted humour' any more than he fits in with, say, 'innocent' or 'cute' or 'kittens', unless it's in the sentence 'and it turned out to be a Very Bad Idea for Fluffy the Kitten to do its claws on Gaara's gourd'.

I'm sort of hesitating, though, because the tone could get quite dark and dramatic. There'll still be humour, of the morbid, Mal kind. And befuddled, innocent Lee, because that's as cute as kittens, surely ^_~ But in 2-3 chapters, there could be some very tense scenes. At this point, I'm trying to decide the exact tone, how tense exactly, and I'm majorly wavering.

Just how dark and tense can this get? Would it be too jarring compared to the previous chapters? The continuity is fairly loose so far, but the story's still got a flow.

It's not like inspiration won't be hounding me where it will in the end :P I may be the author, but that doesn't always put me in the driver's seat. But I do get to tug on the reins a bit from time to time. And it helps me centre myself to hear other people's thoughts, if only to help me figure out my own (which is why I find crits and reviews so important).

Should this stay plot-driven and light? Or character driven, and turn darker? It's balanced on a knife's edge so far; I think I've woven in deeper emotions in the background of the humour, and a realistically developing relationship in the background of simple, every-day interaction (feel free to disagree if I'm off the mark here; I don't mind and as I said, it helps). But I may have to choose which way to go now.

Erm, thanks for reading my long rambling (proof of my own uncertainties in this). Thoughts appreciated ^_^ They may help me figure out just where the hell this story is trying to go from here *heaves brick at fic*

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