
Aug 05, 2013 06:58

I guess I haven't specified, but the friends I've been camping out with here East of LA are often not here at all. One, S, works in an art department and so she is on set for crazy long hours 6 days a week and the other, G, is often staying over at her boyfriend's across town when she's free from work, although sometimes they crash over here.

At any rate, they have a really big place. The girls and I are occupying one of their guest bedrooms, which is covered - as are several hallways - with nicely framed film posters and other art. They have 2 more spare rooms, one of which has another visiting friend - from Germany, a relative of G's who has been here for most of the summer, she has also been out a lot. She's really funny, I think she is trying to move to LA to act or do comedy.

As my board I've been trying to cook when I know their schedules well enough to predict they'll show up. Usually the girls are in bed by the time one or several of them roll in, so I've been making vegetarian dishes that can be chilled or assembled late when someone gets in. Yesterday everyone was around and they had friends over for a small daytime (late afternoon into evening )party, mostly out at their pool - we stuck around for only the beginning since it was a little much for the girls - or really me, trying to keep track of C while keeping the twins with me in our room.

We got out and visited my friend M again, I brought a casserole and made mac and cheese for her kids and we had a quiet evening of chat and breaking up minor conflicts between her two - they got along great with Charly again. Naps were missed bc people were too excited to play and their were a few meltdowns, but it's okay.

When I got back to my S&G's (late, with all 3 kids out cold) there was tons of post party mess, so after I got the kids secured in their beds, I cleaned it all up - which felt good because it gave me a chance to contribute more. When I woke up at 5 or so, there was a big thank you stickie on my door - S had already left for her work day.

I had a long phone chat with J last night, he's going to come down a day or two earlier than expected for next weekend's wedding and so we may move into a hotel room. I told him it's probably not necessary. His boys are with his sister for the week, we'll see. I think he wants the hotel so he feels comfortable enjoying marital privileges, it's just that logistically it's a pain in the ass since I have the twins here in a borrowed crib and C on a small foam couch that is perfect for her. We'll see, missing him and the boys, so I'm eager for him to come early if he can.
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