Amazing Wedding

Aug 03, 2013 22:59

I'm pooped. But my friends D and B got married tonight. So gorgeous. An outdoor wedding and reception in the same place: a back yard. Very emotional ceremony, plenty of people I knew were there. Crazy cheering when they kissed/finalized the bond. They went thru so much to get here and it is great to be part of it.

I got lightly scolded by a couple of friends for having the no-invite, courthouse wedding. :P I know people have pick-up or 2nd weddings, but that would feel weird to me, so I guess that ship has sailed. I didn't want, and still don't want the big production - but when one of these parties goes well like this one did, well it feels monumental. No one made a point of the whole human rights aspect of the two of them getting hitched, but it was in the air of course - a small victory. So happy for my friends.

My feet are killing me from wearing nice shoes and I couldn't wait to peel off my spanx when I got back here. I feel like one of those inflatable sleeping pads that slowly un-bunch and fill out when you unpack them from a tight roll. Also I'm a lightweight, a glass of wine and a couple of toasts and I'm done - I climbed the stairs by almost careening from one wall to the other.

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