
Apr 03, 2006 12:56

http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1788038.html?menu= - Safer in America? Let's just compare death rates, terrorist or otherwise. Top quote:

"What happens if kids get on a train that blows up? We don't have trains blowing up in America," he told the Fort Myers News-Press.

To be fair... This guy is from Florida but even by so...

Addendum: Here's a quick comparison of London Vs Fort Myers taken from an article in the Times about this


Population 52,162
Total reported crimes 4,710 (9,029 per 100,000 population)
Murders 15 ( 28.8 per 100,000)
Rapes 40 (76 per 100,000)
Robberies 302 (579 per 100,000)
Aggravated assaults 619 (1,290 per 100,000)
Weather Hurricanes batter Fort Myers every decade - and it is getting worse. Hurricane Charley hit in 2004 and Hurricane Wilma in 2005

Sources: Fort Myers Police Department 2004 crime figures


Population 7.2 million
Total reported crimes 1,022,329 (14,199 per 100,000)
Murders 196 (2.7 per 100,000)
Rapes 2,427 (33 per 100,000)
Robberies 38,998 (541 per 100,000)
Aggravated assaults 200,820 (2,789 per 100,000)
Weather London features in the Met Office’s records of extreme weather. In a month in 1890 the Borough of Westminster recorded no sunshine at all

Sources: Metropolitan Police Feb; Met Office

link, stupid, paranoia, marching band, terror

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