apparently you CAN get blood from a turnip

Mar 18, 2014 12:50

Ok, I just got off the most annoying phone conference of my life. Here's what happened.

In 2008, my friend at the time Jen stole my debit card and ran up a balance on it. Now I can't prove it was her, because she lived in Big Rapids too, so she shopped at stores I already shop at and I didn't notice my debit card was gone for a few weeks after it went missing (I barely ever used it because it was for a bank that is far away and wasn't my mail account after I got a job way on the other side of town). Jen stole my card after we had been drinking and doing shots of 151 all night, so I don't remember much, and it's all fuzzy. Jen denied she stole my card it was my word against hers and her grandpa is a respected man in town who raised her and I was a foster kid who went to psych wards in my teens. It shouldn't matter bujt it does. Suffice it to say, she was believed and I wasn't, and I was ordered to pay the bank back for the purchases that overdrew my account and for the fees they had racked up. It came to $459.23. I refused to pay. The bank told me to come and talk it out and settle, it ended in a screaming match, and I refused to pay and they said they would take me to court. I told them good luck with that, my account was declared closed, and I went on with my life.

I've never talked much about this, because it deals with a period in my life that I'm not proud of, when John had broken up with me, I was suicidal and depressed, and I was drunk more often than I was sober. I didn't have friends except the people I knew from the drug dealers Jen introduced me to, and they convinced me to just drink and forget my problems. I'm not blaming them, because it was my choice to do it, I'm just saying I wasn't within shlouting distance of my right mind and I did stupid shit.

Because I haven't heard from that bank since that day, I didn't so much forget about it all, but I kind of put it behind me and tried not to think about it much because there was nothing I could do about it anyway until they made the first move.

Well you guessed it, they made the first move. They filed charges against me for the initial money and fees, plus a bunch of bullshit like "attempting to defraud a financial institution" and "willful misuse of bank funds" and I don't know what all. That is the paperwork I was served today, and the upside is they are saying I owe them $643.86 all told, and the cheapest payment plan they are willing to offer me is $128.78 a month for the next five months. Now since you all know I only make $180 a week, you can imagine how much of a hardship this will be for me. I can only make the payments by skipping paying my electric and gas bill this month, I will have to juggle to be able to pay everything next month (and will probably have to keep pushing my electric and gas bill ahead every month until this is paid off) and I don't know how I'm going to afford food, toilet paper, cat food, all this and my rent is going up $20 next month and my food stamps are going down to $42, I don't know how I will do it, but if I want to avoid court and possible criminal fraud charges, I have to pay. That sounds like blackmail to me, but what do I know.


I'm numb right now. I'm sure when the numbness wears off I will cry my eyes out, but I don't know what I feel right now. Shame for getting myself into this mess anyway, for not playing nice back when I might have been able to settle this for $400 something. Panic and fear will come eventually I'm sure. I don't know if I told you guys yesterday, but the reason I was doubled over in pain yesterday is because I have another kidney stone that dropped and it's agonizing. I have a migraine coming on. Plus I have rescheduled my appointment to have my cervix scraped for possible cancer to this Thursday, so I'm going to be in pain from that, too.

I don't know what to do, guys. After I make the payment of $128.78 for this month, and pay rent and my phone bill, I will have less than $7 left. I need toilet paper and cat food and laundry money for pain meds or anything. God. I don't know what I'm going to do. Dammit.

But yeah. That's what's going on.

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court, kidney stones, money, pain, poor, you got served, sick

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