it feels so good when i stop

Mar 17, 2014 18:43

So I got three voicemails today when I finally listen to them, one from the clinic because I need to reschedule my screening to make sure the cancer hasn't come back, one from somw collection agency because Verizon Wireless is still trying to get me to pay off my contract I canceled back in 2008 when my ex kept using the phone he swore he threw away for months and ran up a $700+ bill (I've been told they can't do anything to me over it, but they can harass me about it, so I just ignore their calls and letters) and the third voicemail is some lawyer saying I am going to be served with papers tomorrow between noon and 8pm, he says his client has tried to contact me but I haven't called them back (I've been getting a lot of calls from tbe number, but they don't leave a message, and they sure as fuck never told me it was something serious enough that I was going to be SERVED COURT PAPERS about). I'm freakijng out of course, but when I called him he wouldn't tell me what it was about, he told me to call his client, and when I called his client they wouldn't tell me either, they told me I should have contacted them sooner, and I can read all about it in the court papers tomorrow. I'm freaking the fuck out. I can't think of who can serve me with court papers anyway, and they wouldn't tell me who they were, and the last time I got served court papers was in the McDonald's drive-thru in 2006 and that was when Sallie Mae defaulted all my consolidated student loans and I couldn't make the court date in Lansing the next week to contest it. I really can't think who or what it could be and I'm losing it with worry, doubled over in pain, and seriously considering letting the fucking cancer eat me at this point.

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court, kidney stones, money, pain, poor, you got served, sick

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