Holy fucking drama shitstorm from hell.
OK, first of all, I had this situation with my Aunt yesterday (my aunt and uncle were sending me messages on Facebook in the morning, and then it all went to hell). Some of you know this part already, so feel free to skip the explanation below...
So if none of you noticed, my Facebook has again caused some drama. Yesterday I made a few posts about the plus sized model Ashley Graham and her lingerie commercial that was taken off the air because her boobs were too big. Well, I got some Facebook messages from some of my family members saying that it made them uncomfortable when I "flaunt my sexuality" in their faces like I apparently do (they say it's "TMI" and they don't want to know). I asked them what they meant, and I got no reply, but my Aunt Bobbie took it upon herself to comment on my Ashley Graham video and tell me it was "TMI."
First of all, I didn't shoot the commercial, so whatever "TMI" it contains is not my fault. Second of all, all I said in that post was that Ashley Graham "makes a size 16 look good." I didn't say "Man I want to jump in bed with her and have lots of GAY GAY GAY sex with her all the gay day long," so I have no idea how this post is "TMI" or how it constitutes me "flaunting my sexuality" in anyone's face.
I don't want to sound like a drama queen or anything, but I'm really hurt right now. I don't run around talking about how I want to have lots of GAY GAY GAY sex with other women because I'm GAY GAY GAY, but even if I DID say that, it's my Facebook page and I should be able to say it if I want to. No one is holding a gun to anyone's head and making them read it, and aren't 50+ year old people a little old to be starting Facebook drama? When my family added me on Facebook, they sent me messages saying they wanted me to know they loved me for who I am, and now they pull this. Typical.
So that was what I typed to send to some of my friends, and then I go to the "send to" box of the message and I peruse the drop-down menu to click everyone who's name I think might want to read about this, everyone who's gay and who had had experience with internet drama, or who's not gay but who might want to read it anyway, you get the idea. So I click all the names that apply and then I hit "Send." And I get some cool, supportive messages from some people (thank you Dani and Jenn, I love you and owe you the internet plus half my soul each) and THEN, I get this doozy of a message:
This is Krystal's girlfriend. You know what hurts my feelings? Constantly talking and commenting you and you ignoring everything I say but yet you can make this discussion with my girlfriend and not me? What is it about me you don't like? I ALWAYS talked to you on myspace, way more than Krystal. If this is some favoritism I would have to say you are very close minded for being a gay person.
Apparently I sent the message to Krystal and not her girlfriend, Heather. Oops. What you guys don't know is that Heather and I have been friends on Myspace for a year or so, and we always talked a lot back when I had a Myspace. then one day her girlfriend Krystal adds me, and I'm like, "cool, a new friend" and then Krystal sends me a comment asking why I'm talking to her girlfriend behind her back. I say "Um, I didn't mean to do it behind your back, we were just friends" blah blah blah, and Krystal sends me a comment saying she was just "joking" (RIIIIGHT) and ever since then, Krystal freaks me out. Like I'm not a fan of Krystal, and honestly, I only sent the message to her this morning because I thought SHE would get mad if I sent it to Heather and not HER. Then I accidentally don't send it to Heather somehow, and Heather logs onto her girlfriend's account, reads her messages, and starts drama with me. Which I find funny because like I sad, I always thought KRYSTAL was the crazy one. Looks like they're made for each other. I tried to send Heather a message again saying I was sorry, I really didn't mean not to send her the message (no really, dipshit, you were the one I wanted to send it to in the first place because I thought your girlfriend was nuts, little did I know that you're just as bad if not worse) and she sends me this long reply about how she's "never going to let me hurt her again" and I'm lying, and now she's "going to be less responsive to her daughter all day" because of my "cruelty," and blah blah blahdy-blah. That bugs me the most, that blaming me for her attitude toward her daughter part, because that's the kind of trick my mom would pull, my mom and her sisters, who are my aunts, who sent the messages that started this whole load of drama in the first place.
Jesus GOD the internet is a scary place.
I guess in conclusion I would like to ask you all to please kick me in the face if I EVER start logging onto and answering my girlfriend's email like this. And I am tired of drama. And I think Ashley Graham is hot, but apparently that's TMI, so I'll stop saying it.
*sits in corner and cries*