I love it. I love how people on the internet feel the need to psychoanalyze their friends. They step into Dr. Phil's shoes and they spout off telling people what to do even when people don't ask for advice. "You should do this, and you should do this, and you should do this and you should feel this way, not that way" but I love it even more when someone who doesn't even know me sees me reply to a friend and feels the need to step over and tell me what I should do with my life. Jesus, people, you barely know our friends on the internet, you don't even come close to knowing ME! I have friends on the internet I've known for over five years, but I still can't say I really KNOW them to the extent that I'd want to give them advice, that just seems terribly arrogant. But when I see it, I ignore it until I'm besieged by the people who think it would be "nice" for me to hear a total stranger telling me something I already know, and then I ask that person to please not give me advice, and they flounce all over, shaking their arms and dripping condescension with every word and every phrase and they're too fucking stupid to see it, you can't even reason with them the way you would a rational human being because they enjoy playing the martyr too much. "I was just trying to HELP and be NICE ad SHARE and blah blah blah, pity poor me." I'm done with that bullshit, people, seriously. I don't even give advice to my friends I know in real life unless they ask for it, so when someone makes a post and doesn't ask for advice, I don't give it. But when I'm over here having my own little conversation and you stick your nose in and attempt to tell me what to do, yes, I'm going to say something, and no matter what amount of grimy internet martyr blood you bleed, you're not going to make yourself look any less bitchy and arrogant. If you jump in and give advice where it's not requested and someone nails your fat ass to the wall, don't bitch about it, just leave it. We get it, you know all, you've experienced all, you're SO qualified to tell us what to do, we get it. Fine, whatever, just shut up about how nice and wonderful you are already and leave up alone. I'm secure enough in myself that I don't have to lambaste your worthless little waste of sperm ass to prove what a good person I am, so don't play the "ZOMG I M NICE N U R MEEN" card with me, it won't work. I've been through shit your pea brain couldn't BEGIN to comprehend, and I didn't even attack you, you jumped MY shit and then I tried to be civil and you continued to be a whiny little entitlement brat, so then I got pissed and you paid the consequences for it, get over yourself, you're not cool because you think you know how to give advice. Even Dr. Phil would laugh at you. If you stick your nose into other people's conversations and it gets chopped off, don't go whining about how unfair it is, you should have left other people alone and continued to bask in the glow of your own perceived greatness, I don't need your advice or your drama or your self pity. Thank you. Please enjoy this message from Jill Sobule.