Today they're doing the most pointless thing ever. They're following fire regulations and installing a ledge under the window in my bedroom to make it easier to step up and climb out in case of a fire. But it's a sheer three story drop outside my window and no ladder is being installed, so fuck if I'm going to climb to death out my window if there's ever a fire. It's beyond pointless. But they want me to move my stuff and I'm not going to do that, I'm just going to go to work and come back and marvel at the stupidity.
So Mandy took two bottles of pills a week and a half ago. I got the whole story from her. Her mom threatened to stop paying for her car insurance, so she took the two bottles of pills, made a big flouncy "goodbye" post in her Myspace blog, and then went and found her mom and told her. This action prompted her mom to agree to continue paying for her car insurance and to pay for her to get counseling, and Mandy made a big, flouncy post in her blog about it a few days later saying things like "I thought it was over but God showed me the way" and "pray I won't do it again" and the like. I was unbelievably pissed that she did this to manipulate her mom into paying foe her. Well, today she found out that she got kicked out of her house and she wants to stay with me. I'm going to go with pretending I didn't get her message for as long as I can do it, but eventually I'll have to tell her I don't want her staying here at which point it's going to get ugly. And it's great, because I was just thinking I needed more drama in my life. :-p I love Mandy. And I hate to say "I love you BUT" BUT she's toxic and I just can't handle it right now. I don't want her to be on the street but I can't deal with her being here sucking all my energy, I'll kill her, I'm not patient and I'm already furious thinking of all the things she's going to do and say and I just can't deal with that right now. Yes, a few years ago I made a "goodbye post" on my LJ after I took some bottles of pills. But I swear to God I didn't flounce, I was online waiting for the pills to take effect and all I said was that I wanted to give up and I took the pills, I know it was attention-seeking in nature but first, I'm a different person now and second, I did that because I was trying to keep my hands busy while I died (this is also when I discovered that you can take that many bottles of OTC meds and NOT die) and I didn't ask anyone for money right after I did it, either. So yes, I know I've done similar things in my life and I don't mean to judge her, but I won't tolerate her using her "attempt" as justification to ask me for money. Or anyone else. I don't want her to be on the street, but she has tons of friends and relatives she can stay with, it's not like she'd be out on the street, and she survived the last time her parents kicked her out. I hope they stick with it this time. It will light a fire under her ass to get an application for a rent-controlled apartment and finally move out on her own and act like an adult instead of a little kid. I hope.
I'm reading a new book. I borrowed it from my friend Randy. It is interesting and I shall want to discuss it soon, but I'm waiting until I finish it because in case anyone wants to say "God that book is full of shit" I want to have some formulated arguments on why I don't think it's full of shit so I can come up with a better response than "Nuh-uh it's not." Thus far though, even though I don't agree with everything she's saying (I'm in chapter 3) it IS helping me in that it's giving me words to describe something I've been experiencing all my life. And it's not as fluffy as the shiny purple cover would lead you to believe. :-p
If Ashley doesn't put at least $60 in my bank account by Saturday, the bill will be late. She knew this for months this time so she can't say she didn't know, but she chose to use the money for other things, meanwhile I floundered and couldn't pay for toothpaste and shampoo and deodorant. Now she's known for over a week that either she puts the money in, or the phones stand a good chance of being turned off. I'm not paying a late fee, I can't even afford to pay the bill, if there's a late fee because of her I'm not paying it, I had enough paying for that $300 bill back when she sent 350 text messages when we didn't have texting and I had to pay for the fallout. I'm seriously freaking out because I want my phone, but I don't have the money to pay more than my half of the bill, and I'm getting really upset envisioning a life without a phone because of her. This really pisses me off. I can't believe she screwed me like this and is still doing it.
Oh Drama, how I love thee. I don't want to go to work today. I want to sit here and read my book so I can finish it before the drama eats me alive. Oh well.