[In Progress]

Sep 17, 2008 00:45

Title: Fresh Air
Characters: Leon Kennedy and Reno
Location: Leon's Office maybe outside
Rating: PG
Summary: Leon's going to let Reno have some fresh air.
Day/Time: 72/1810

Fresh Air )


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boozeplz September 18 2008, 04:15:04 UTC
As much as Reno was looking forward to getting some fresh, albeit icy, air in his lungs, he didn't want to seem too excited. So he arrived fashionably late, knocking twice before opening Leon's door with little warning. On his way in he noticed the little sign on the door that said 'head of security', and he wasn't sure how well that sat with him.

This guy was Rude's replacement . . . that automatically made the redhead want to dislike this new guard, but the thought of staying inside for another minute made him want to snarl. He really was gonna go nuts if he was stuck in the stuffy asylum much longer. It didn't look like he had much of a choice besides being friendly with Leon.

Once he got inside, Reno took a quick look at Leon before his eye caught on the collection of weapons in a glass case, walking over to it (slowly - not like he was going to steal one or try and kill somebody, and it wouldn't do to get the guard all tense if he suspected something) and cooing at the sight. "Oooh, nice collection," he complimented, testing himself on the names of the guns inside to see if he remembered and not bothering with much of a greeting.


mrleonskennedy September 18 2008, 04:31:05 UTC
Leon didn't move from his spot even as his door was opened and the red head came in. He raised a brow only once when the man came close to him and started to look at the weapons in the case. He smirked slightly. The man was a patient here, but at least he didn't seem as crazy as some. He wasn't even sure why the man was here, his file confused Leon. He wasn't sure how this man had gotten himself committed for being addicted to sex. It was bizarre.

"Some of this stuff's ten years old or older." He turned to Reno and gave him a once over. The man seemed pretty harmless. "I suppose you wouldn't mind taking a walk with me? I haven't been out on the grounds yet, maybe you could show me a around a bit."


boozeplz September 20 2008, 22:11:24 UTC
Good, at least Leon didn't suspect him like the rest of the staff did. In Reno's opinion it was completely uncalled for, but in truth he probably gave them more than enough reason on a daily basis to suspect him of rule-breaking. What was a guy supposed to do to stay entertained in this goddamn place?

Then again, he wondered if the security guard was simply underestimating him. Sure, he didn't have a very intimidating physique, but he was certain he could hold his own in a fight against Leon. There was also the chance that Leon was so confident in his skill that he wasn't worried about taking Reno down if he had to . . . Hm.

Shaking his head slightly to break out of his thoughts, the redhead turned around to face the other male, ponytail swishing behind him. "You shittin' me? We really get to go outside?" He asked, a grin appearing on his face. "Hell yeah!"


mrleonskennedy September 21 2008, 01:35:21 UTC
Leon nodded his head a bit surprised by the excitement. He hadn't realized that the red head wanted out side so badly. That was a bit odd. Why would anyone really want to go out into the freezing cold? He shook his head and grabbed his jacket off of his office chair and heading for the door.

"Well if you're coming let's go." He stopped short and turned back to his desk, opening the bottom drawer and pulling out a basic handgun. Making sure that it was loaded he shoved it into it's holster before grabbing his keys and standing back up. He walked past Reno and headed out into the waiting for the red head to move before shutting and locking the door. Couldn't have someone breaking in and stealing some weapon. That would be very bad.

He turned on his heels and headed towards one of the exits. The one that would lead him out towards the front entrance. The way he came in seemed like the best bet. He just hoped Reno wouldn't try anything. He really didn't want to shot the man.


boozeplz September 21 2008, 18:00:20 UTC
Almost snorting while he watched Leon calmly check his handgun, Reno put his hands in his pockets and followed him out the door. "Hope you won't be needin' to use that," He chided, giving the guard a pat on the shoulder. He didn't really feel like running away right now anyway, and he especially didn't feel like getting another bullet scar to add to his collection.

He hadn't brought his winter clothes with him since he had assumed they were just going to open a window, so on their way toward the exit he ducked into a nurse station and grabbed some of the extra gear in there. Technically you were supposed to ask first, but who cared? Jogging a little to catch up with Leon, Reno grinned up at the other man, shrugging his new coat on and stuffing his feet into over-sized boots.

While attempting to get boots over his shoes and still walking at the same time, the redhead ended up stumbling into Leon, but he rightened himself quickly and mumbled an apology, "Woah, sorry." He sounded a little embarrassed about his loss of grace but tried to brush it away, opening the door for the guard in an almost mockingly sincere way before taking a few steps outside. A happy smile grew on his face as the icy air hit his lungs. "Ahh, so refreshing, yo," He sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets again.


mrleonskennedy September 21 2008, 18:12:29 UTC
Leon watched Reno out of the corner of his eyes. He wanted to laugh as the man stumbled into him. He raised a brow at him before shaking his head. The other man was kind of odd. But most of the people in Malaise were considered odd. Strange how he saw most people as odd. He shook his head again as he headed out into the cold.

He was used to icy weather, but this was insane. He shoved his hands into his pockets and started to walk. He'd keep his eyes on the red head, but he had to keep his eyes on the area too. He needed to know the layout of the building. Something he could only tell from actually walking around it. Having company, was just a bonus.

"So, Reno, how long have you been here?"


boozeplz September 21 2008, 18:39:57 UTC
"Ahh . . ." Reno aimed his eyes upward, counting in his head. "Little over a month, I think." The days had gone by pretty fast, but now that all of his friends were gone he felt like he was going to be stuck here forever. I hope that's not the case. "I know the area around here pretty well, not much to say, though. There's a gate around the grounds, and the one way out is padlocked. Nurses are usually out here watching over us during outside time . . ."

While he spoke, Reno carefully watched Leon as an idea came into his head. When he felt that the other man didn't have his complete attention on him, the redhead knelt down subtly and rolled up a snowball, throwing it at Leon and grinning when it hit the distracted man's shoulder and disintegrated upon impact.


mrleonskennedy September 21 2008, 19:12:01 UTC
Leon nodded his head. The file had said that he had been here about that long. Not anything he didn't know. He also knew about the gate around the grounds. But that didn't mean he didn't need to see things. He liked to have a picture in his mind. He was watching the building when he felt something hit him. His instincts kicked in he pulled his gun spinning around and aiming it towards the direction the shot came from. He blinked slightly at seeing Reno. Okay so he might have over reacted.

"Think that's funny huh?" His voice sounded a lot more harsh than he thought it should have. But maybe if Reno feared him a little he wouldn't see this coming. Leon shoved the gun back into it's holster before crossing his arms over his chest and glared towards Reno with all his might.


boozeplz September 22 2008, 04:57:22 UTC
Reno ducked, a surprised adrenaline shooting through him seeing a gun aimed at him. "Woah, shit man!" He yelped, green eyes wide. Overreaction, much? This guy seriously needed to calm down. Especially since Reno had been shot enough times that his own instincts were kicking in, and he was looking around for something to protect himself with, heart pounding.

A sigh escaped his lips when Leon put his gun away, putting a hand over his heart. "Christ yo, scared me half to death." Once he looked back up at the security guard Reno couldn't help a chuckle at the look on Leon's face, thinking he looked kind of like an upset little kid. He stood back up a bit shakily, trying to stifle his laughter by biting the inside of his cheek and failing.


mrleonskennedy September 22 2008, 06:32:29 UTC
"Sorry, bad reaction to getting hit with things." He shook his head and rubbed at his chest. For his next plan to work, he really had to act. He bit into his bottom lip and grimaced.

Leon wondered briefly as he dropped down in the snow pretending he was hurt. He gasped loudly and clung at his chest. Maybe Reno would take the bait and run over to him. He wasn't going to pick up the cold snow in his bare hands, so he had to get Reno off guard. Then he was going to throw him into the snow. Then probably bury him in it.


boozeplz September 24 2008, 04:41:45 UTC
Thank god. Reno sighed when the gun was put away. Blinking at Leon from his spot almost sitting on the ground, Reno was almost instantly suspicious when it seemed like his snowball had 'hurt' the security guard. He knew for a fact that he hadn't thrown the snowball that hard, and Leon seemed to be made of tougher stuff than that. But this was an interesting side of the man that he hadn't expected, so Reno almost bought into it simply out of curiosity.

He shifted a little bit closer, standing up but keeping his knees bent as if he was ready to jump out of the way if something was thrown back at him. There was no way Leon was really hurt, but his curiosity got the better of him, and he stepped a little bit closer. "Hey . . ?"


mrleonskennedy September 24 2008, 05:18:47 UTC
With his head down, he was sure Reno wouldn't be able to see the large smirk that was gracing his lips. He moaned softly once or twice more, watching out of his bangs as the red head came closer and closer. Just an inch more. Leon's grin turned evil. Without warning he pushed himself off the ground and into Reno sending the two of them back into the snow. He grinned down at the red head.

"So you like throwing things at people when their backs are turned huh?"


boozeplz September 24 2008, 13:12:29 UTC
While he had been expecting Leon to throw a snowball back at him, Reno hadn't been prepared to have the man collide into him so quickly, and he barely had time to make a surprised noise before his back hit the ground and he was six inches deep in snow. His first thought was ow, jesus but he was quickly distracted by the fact that the new security guard was holding him down.

Eyes widening slightly, Reno struggled against Leon a little experimentally; it was cold down there, and the snow was already starting to seep into his jacket. "Hey, what the hell, man!"


mrleonskennedy September 24 2008, 18:28:13 UTC
"You threw a snowball at me. I want you to apologize." Leon gave the red head a smile as he continued to pin him to the ground. He was freezing himself. The bomber jacket didn't really keep the cold away. Plus his jeans were starting to soak up the cold and wetness. They should probably have gone inside. But Leon was having fun now.


boozeplz September 25 2008, 02:15:33 UTC
Honestly, he was shocked. When he asked for some fresh air, he definitely hadn't been expecting to be pinned under the new head of security. He wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not, at this point . . . he would have preferred it in a much warmer place. Like say, a bed.

Pushing those thoughts to the side for now, Reno shoved at Leon's chest, laughing a little. "No way in hell, yo!"


mrleonskennedy September 25 2008, 02:27:33 UTC
Leon looked down at the man's hands and grabbed them in his own. He knew he was stronger than the other man. He laughed softly. This was a bit to much fun.

"Yes. I want you to apologize."


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