[In Progress]

Sep 17, 2008 00:45

Title: Fresh Air
Characters: Leon Kennedy and Reno
Location: Leon's Office maybe outside
Rating: PG
Summary: Leon's going to let Reno have some fresh air.
Day/Time: 72/1810

Fresh Air )


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Comments 68

boozeplz September 18 2008, 04:15:04 UTC
As much as Reno was looking forward to getting some fresh, albeit icy, air in his lungs, he didn't want to seem too excited. So he arrived fashionably late, knocking twice before opening Leon's door with little warning. On his way in he noticed the little sign on the door that said 'head of security', and he wasn't sure how well that sat with him.

This guy was Rude's replacement . . . that automatically made the redhead want to dislike this new guard, but the thought of staying inside for another minute made him want to snarl. He really was gonna go nuts if he was stuck in the stuffy asylum much longer. It didn't look like he had much of a choice besides being friendly with Leon ( ... )


mrleonskennedy September 18 2008, 04:31:05 UTC
Leon didn't move from his spot even as his door was opened and the red head came in. He raised a brow only once when the man came close to him and started to look at the weapons in the case. He smirked slightly. The man was a patient here, but at least he didn't seem as crazy as some. He wasn't even sure why the man was here, his file confused Leon. He wasn't sure how this man had gotten himself committed for being addicted to sex. It was bizarre.

"Some of this stuff's ten years old or older." He turned to Reno and gave him a once over. The man seemed pretty harmless. "I suppose you wouldn't mind taking a walk with me? I haven't been out on the grounds yet, maybe you could show me a around a bit."


boozeplz September 20 2008, 22:11:24 UTC
Good, at least Leon didn't suspect him like the rest of the staff did. In Reno's opinion it was completely uncalled for, but in truth he probably gave them more than enough reason on a daily basis to suspect him of rule-breaking. What was a guy supposed to do to stay entertained in this goddamn place?

Then again, he wondered if the security guard was simply underestimating him. Sure, he didn't have a very intimidating physique, but he was certain he could hold his own in a fight against Leon. There was also the chance that Leon was so confident in his skill that he wasn't worried about taking Reno down if he had to . . . Hm.

Shaking his head slightly to break out of his thoughts, the redhead turned around to face the other male, ponytail swishing behind him. "You shittin' me? We really get to go outside?" He asked, a grin appearing on his face. "Hell yeah!"


mrleonskennedy September 21 2008, 01:35:21 UTC
Leon nodded his head a bit surprised by the excitement. He hadn't realized that the red head wanted out side so badly. That was a bit odd. Why would anyone really want to go out into the freezing cold? He shook his head and grabbed his jacket off of his office chair and heading for the door.

"Well if you're coming let's go." He stopped short and turned back to his desk, opening the bottom drawer and pulling out a basic handgun. Making sure that it was loaded he shoved it into it's holster before grabbing his keys and standing back up. He walked past Reno and headed out into the waiting for the red head to move before shutting and locking the door. Couldn't have someone breaking in and stealing some weapon. That would be very bad.

He turned on his heels and headed towards one of the exits. The one that would lead him out towards the front entrance. The way he came in seemed like the best bet. He just hoped Reno wouldn't try anything. He really didn't want to shot the man.


boozeplz September 25 2008, 13:04:16 UTC
Oooh. Reno's eyes grew a little wider and his expression changed to a pleased one; he had always had a kind of secret fondness for hot chocolate. He couldn't go around drinking it everywhere though, not like having a drink with marshmallows was very manly.

And it was sounding especially appetizing after this freezing weather. He was actually worried his hair was going to freeze stiff after it got wet, and that would suck. "Well, whether or not you get an apology depends on how good the hot chocolate is." He said matter-of-factly, gathering his feet under him to get up out of the snow.


mrleonskennedy September 25 2008, 16:46:13 UTC
"Well I do make a mean hot chocolate." He smiled as he moved to his feet and brought Reno with him. He slipped slightly and ended up pressing Reno against his chest. His face blushing a bit from the contact and the cold. This wasn't how this was all suppose to go. He was suppose to make a patient happy, and get out to see the grounds.

"Lets go, I don't think I can stay out here any longer." He wasn't even sure why his voice was dropping to a whisper. Maybe he did need to get away from the other man. Especially seeing as he was liking the wet red hair.


boozeplz September 27 2008, 00:01:46 UTC
"Issat so?" Reno grinned, a little reluctant to let go of the other man's hands once he was standing up. To be honest, with all the moping and drinking he had been doing within the last few days, it was pleasing to have something to take his mind off all his friends deserting him; he'd never let it show how much it affected him. Really, what'd you expect? You're an asshole to them anyway. Everyone leaves eventually.

When his face collided with Leon's chest (why did everyone have to be so goddamn tall around here?) he let out a muffled "Mmrf!" and gracefully - so, so gracefully, he assured himself - clung to Leon's jacket to keep himself from slipping and falling on his ass. Barely breathing, he paused to catch what the security guard said. "You're just mad 'cause I won," Reno murmured back, smirked slightly and aiming green eyes up at Leon's blue.


mrleonskennedy September 27 2008, 15:49:41 UTC
Leon blinked slightly and tilted his head. Reno thought he had won? Oh that was not going to happen. Leon smirked a bit before bending down and lifting Reno up and over his shoulder. He laughed softly and headed for the doors.

"I'd say you haven't won anything Reno." His voice was full of mirth. He really hadn't had this much fun in a while. Even if he was suppose to be working, and making sure Reno didn't make a run for it. From the red head's current position, Leon was sure he wasn't going to run away.


boozeplz October 3 2008, 04:10:14 UTC
Reno wanted to respond who said I'd be alone there? but he figured he'd slow down a little. As much as he enjoyed fraternizing with staff members and breaking rules, if he rubbed Leon the wrong way it really could lead to unpleasant results for the patient. Even if the signals he was getting from Leon were all playful flirting, he figured better safe than sorry.

And of course, he could always make his move after the hot chocolate was gone. Regardless of how fun his interaction with Leon was, he really did still want the stuff - after being in the snow he still had goosebumps.

Smirking at the look on Leon's face, Reno stood up and stretched with a pleased sigh before swaggering over to where the guard was sitting. "Yes, sir~" He responded mischievously, settling down on the bed just close enough to Leon to be considered intimate and holding his hands out to grasp the hot chocolate mug. Smells good . . .


mrleonskennedy October 3 2008, 04:17:00 UTC
Leon handed the hot mug over and started to sip at his own. He sighed contently at the feel of the warm liquid flowing down his throat. The mint really was good. He just wished he had some of those mint chocolate cookies to go with it. He set the mug to the side and stood up.

"Hope you don't mind if I get out of these wet clothes." He smiled at Reno and didn't wait for a reply before stripping off his jacket and shirt, and tossing the both of them towards a corner of the room. He'd deal with them later.


boozeplz October 3 2008, 13:14:17 UTC
For a moment, Reno was completely absorbed in tasting his new hot chocolate, closing his eyes and almost moaning when the warmth seemed to spread through his body. "This is fuckin' good stuff." He complimented in between sips.

Blinking and turning his complete attention to Leon when he started taking his clothes off, Reno shook his head, grinning slightly and looking a little dumbstruck at the sight before him. ". . . Nah, don't mind at all . . "


mrleonskennedy October 3 2008, 19:43:57 UTC
Leon grinned back towards Reno before digging through his dresser for a t-shirt. He ended up pulling out a white one with a spray painted X over the Umbrella corporation symbol. He pulled it on and smoothed it out. The shirt was a bit tighter than he would have liked, but it was soft and it was dry.

He moved back towards the bed and grabbed his coco, as he sat back down he kicked off his boots and kicked them under the bed, moving back so he was resting against the pillows he sipped at his coco.

Now he just had to figure out what to do next.


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