this morning i spent 3 hours reading articles on fark
then i caught up with the news on my only source of outside world-based information(save my imagination)
The Onioni looked up random things on wikipedia, like
overtone singingi did some work somewhere
and i drank coffee
and a little more work
a little 'accidental' naughty web content
more coffee
i then proceeded to make the mistake of 'treating' myself to sonic for lunch and am now waiting to give birth to a huge ball of grease that's currently residing in my stomach
more coffee to offset the grease baby
looked at craiglist and found a daydream girlfriend...things were going great until she started complaining about my 'minimalist lifestyle' and demanded that i get a couch for the living room i never entertain guests was a messy split, but we're friends lol
thought about mike tyson waffles (don't ask - inside joke of an inside joke)
bugs don't use least, not yet
[13:05] Jim: would limited thoroughfare be something to bother with?
[13:05] Jim: or no?
[13:05] Amanda - Promiles: does it say anything specific about trucks
[13:06] Jim: it states all vehicles and people lol
[13:06] Amanda - Promiles: lol then yeah you'd have to set that
[13:06] Jim: it doesn't say anything about bugs, though
[13:06] Amanda - Promiles: lol huh?
[13:06] Jim: i guess bugs get the go ahead
[13:07] Jim: well, i mean, they're pretty strict if people can't walk down the road unless they're going to thier house, why not limit the bugs?
[13:07] Amanda - Promiles: they just dont worry about those things, cause if they break the law they cant be ticketed and fines
[13:07] Amanda - Promiles: *fined
[13:07] Amanda - Promiles: lol
[13:07] Jim: what, the bugs don't?
[13:08] Jim: if i was a bug, i probably wouldn't care about fines or tickets...getting squished would be more of a concern
[13:08] Amanda - Promiles: the bugs have no they dont give a shit where they go...u know
[13:08] Amanda - Promiles: yes
[13:08] Jim: do you know any bugs?
[13:08] Amanda - Promiles: ummmm....
[13:08] Amanda - Promiles: no dont think so
[13:08] Jim: yeah, but homeless people generally don't have money, but they're concerned about where they're going...why can bugs, you know, take a stroll?
[13:08] Amanda - Promiles: i knew a girl that looked like a bug once tho...does that count
[13:09] Amanda - Promiles: lol
[13:09] Jim: probably not, especially if she used money, since bugs don't use money according to you...or at least, money we know about
[13:10] Amanda - Promiles: lol true maybe they have their own secret money
[13:10] Amanda - Promiles: who knows...?
[13:10] Jim: or the barter system
[13:10] Jim: i like bartering, it's a lot more logical than the gold standard that we use now
[13:11] Amanda - Promiles: yeah yea that's true
[13:11] Amanda - Promiles: i wish we stilll used that
[13:11] Jim: yeah, i could trade people for snacks
[13:11] Jim: like, people i didn't like
[13:12] Amanda - Promiles: lol
[13:12] Jim: it would be like imminent domain, except with people instead of property
[13:12] Amanda - Promiles: OMG
[13:12] Jim: oh wait, that's slavery
[13:12] Jim: haha nm
[13:12] Amanda - Promiles: LOL OMG LOL
[13:13] Jim: i think this is about as funny as i'm going to get for today, so i should just leave on a high note...i'll talk to you later lol
the end
another counterproductive day