
Jan 22, 2006 07:34

well, tonight was uneventful, save a bit of tm.i.
what's t.m.i. you ask? too much information
yeah, right, follow me, good
ok, so this woman at work is asking me all sorts of questions, i answer them because i'm a conceited asshole and i enjoy talking about myself, but then i begin to wonder why she's asking me these questions
well, it seems she wants to hook me up with her daughter
she's a nice enough woman, really funny and loud, so i think, hey, this could be cool
so i'm sitting upstairs keying apps because i rock the box, and she's sitting next to me talking
and i'm listening to her(surprising, eh?) and she begins telling this story about how one time she found her "baby's daddy" (yes, and she's not black) in a bar with some other woman...well, she's seperated from him at this time, and she proceeds to start yelling, etc etc
she goes back to her house, gets a claw hammer and proceeds to fuck up his old truck that's in her yeard
then he shows up with the other woman, and yelling ensues
the other woman hits her in the head with a bottle
she then, clawhammer in hand, proceeds to...
manually remove the womans shoulder with said clawhammer
and she laughs about it
and this is why you don't fuck with post office employees, especially the ones who seem normal...i suppose that explains a lot about the hiring process if they miss that little tidbit of info...but i'm pretty sure i don't remember them asking me if i've ever dismembered someone with a clawhammer...maybe they should start asking, just to be sure
needless to say, the idea of going on a date with her daughter was filled with thoughts of having parts of my body removed with a clawhammer or some other sort of hammering type instrument

so, uh, yeah

i'm housesitting for the next week, and my companion is a pintsize hellion named taco...who seems to enjoy shitting everywhere and tearing the fuck out of things and biting people...not my stuff and he doesn't bite me, so i guess there is something to having good karma

i plan on going to austin on my furlow(march? april? i can't remember when) to bother darryl and quite a few other people, and i'm going to see if will and amanda want to come ride for them of course...i'm not going to make them pay for anything...pbfft...what's the point in having money if you can't spend it on people?

i've been working a lot, usually a minimum of 8 hours a day...bad on social life and going to the gym, good for paychecks and after all the money i've blown over the past couple of weeks, i seriously need to recoup my starts in august and i need to take a couple of classes so i can take the et test so i can fuck up the network at the post office lol...but hey, 40k a year starting doesn't sound that bad to me, and it would entail me doing the same sort of work i've been doing for a good bit of my life...the only reason i need to take a class or two at lamer is because i know nothing of electronics and that's what most of the test is...stupid generic postal exams...phil took the exam and passed and is waiting on the typing test...trey and will, i dunno....they haven't said anything to me about it yet...shitty hours and a boring job, but it beats the shit out of working a menial job with little pay...i basically get paid to smoke cigarettes, talk, listen to music and sort mail here and there...and all the while, my paychecks are funding my terrorist cell, i mean, uh, stuff...haha...i was thinking about getting new ink, but i think i'm going to hold off and just order a bunch of shit online...i doubt i would have the time for three+ hours of ink work, and i still haven't decided who to go to...definately no one around here...i may go see larry the leopard and take him up on his offer, but that would entail a drive to austin...or i could just wait, save up and get multiple pieces done all at once when i go to austin...i dunno...i'm sure my parents will bitch, but whatever, i pay my 500 in bills a month, the rest is gravy

i think tuesday al, myself, and a couple of other people are going to go to madisons and get drunk...not too sure about that yet...whatever...tuesday is going to involve drinking regardless...i've been having an urge to go out and do stuff that i stopped doing...and for some odd ass reason, i wanted to go to the movies even though i'm not sure what's even of my friends is coming down from san antonio this coming up weekend, so that should be eventful...heh
aside from that, nothing at all interesting or exciting...same old, same old...mindless boring rambling that i'm sure none of you care to hear

strike that, taco just got stuck behind the entertainment system

wait, nevermind, he got out


and i decided to give my car a viking funeral after all...phil hasn't found anyone interesting buying it and i really don't like the idea of someone else driving it...i mean, i had that car for 10 years, and i grew really attached to it, regardless of how many times i had to work on it and replace's still my car and no one else can have it lol

eh, sleep time...i have to get up early and take care of some things
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