CIA Phone Tapping

Apr 15, 2011 12:13

I woke up to TD Bank calling me to try and sell me BS insurance nobody would get coverage from.

Thanks for waking me up so I can remember my dreams.

I was dreaming of being at my parents house with my sister. We were there in during the day, my parents were at work and my sister was visiting from New Brunswick. My friend Ashley came over for a visit.

My mom took Elliott for the day and took him out for breakfast.

While we were there 3 trucks showed up and people with equipment seemed to be working on something. For whatever reason I thought it was best to not let them know we were there. Ashley left the house kind of to distract these people.

They drilled holes in the outside wall and were feeding wires into the house. I called my mom and she was with Elliott having lunch, she said the waitress didn't charge her for any of Elliott's order because he was too cute.

I said I thought the crew was bugging the phones at the house and my mom agreed.

I went upstairs to try and covertly get their licens plates, my sister read them to me as they were driving away and I wrote them down. (I should have realized I was dreaming when none of the things I wrote were correct).

As the cars and trucks drove off I saw Ashley in the back window. She smiled and put her hands in a heart shape to me as a sign she'd distracted these people from knowing we were inside. I did the same back as a thank you, then the telephone started ringing ringing ringing ringing off...

I woke up.

The whole dream had a covert, hiding feeling. Hiding out from the system... Weird.
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