Dec 03, 2010 17:28
Hello Livejournal,
I've decided to rekindle you. From this point on I'll use this journal as an online Dream Journal.
Last nights dreams were so many, I can't begin to remember them all.
I was with my family, at our country home, but it was imperative that I get back into the city. I don't remember why. I believe we were snowed in, so I drove the truck through the back road to get onto the highway.
I must have made a wrong turn, because the road didn't lead right out onto the highway. I drove through a winding forest path, as I drove the season changed to fall. Wolves were everywhere the deeper I went into the forest. They were prowling and stalking me. I didn't seem too concerned, I drove over some with the truck, but there were too many.
I came to a dead end in the road, and had to get out of the truck and walk. I climbed a rock ledge a long way and the wolves followed overhead and in the ravine below, waiting for me to fall so they could eat me. The climb was extremely dangerous, at times I only had a few centimeters of rock ledge to hold onto and shimmy my way across.
Eventually I came to a small ledge I could sit on and take a break. At this point Commander Data was with me and told me to wait and he was going across the ravine because we were low enough now. He fought his way through the pack of wolves severly damaging in left arm in the process, but cleared a path to a ladder on the other side. We escaped.
The next dreams are hazy, I had many but remember few.
I dreamed I was a comicbook artist working on a big project. The end of one issue the main villian morphed from a hum into some type of creature. This issue wasn't complete by the time the next issue was being produced, and somehow there was a miscommunication, the original version of the villian was used instead of his morphed self.
The comic was very well received by everyone who read it, and the most common compliment I got was that people really enjoyed my style of humor I worked into the stories. The friendly banter between characters, and light heartedness I brought to intense and dark scenarios.
The next dream I remember, I was walking through Bay street area. There were cops everywhere and loud techno music. A lot of people were gathered around yelling about our rights and police were talking over a megaphone saying the festival was illegal because the owner didn't purchase a 60$ permit.
The police had made a barrier and somewhere inside police lines was a burning car. I spoke with a man named John outside the barrier. He said this was just a big show to get people fired up and angry. They use these situations to make people feel powerless and the entire thing may have been staged. He believed that by protesting it these people were doing more harm than good for their own cause. The system was using their own minds against them. I agreed.
Jason, Chano, and I decided to sneak past police lines and get inside. We had no real plan we just wanted to see what was up. Inside the 2 blocks they'd fenced off we snuck into the back of a garage. It was a chop-shop. Inside the garage we stole a nice leather office chair.
When the police learned we were inside they thanked us for gaining access to the illegal chop-shop and let us go for assisting them.
Chano pushed Jason on the wheeled chair and we walked through the parking lots towards to exit. By now all the protesters and police were gone, it was empty and calm.
We saw Jonathon Peel, someone from my past. He said he was working at the KFC with Natasha. She was also there, I think they were smoking behind the buildings. They had both just got off work.
The ending of the dream the tree of us walked away, exiting police lines. It was fun and we were never scared the entire time.