mental health wednesdays. not so great, actually.

Aug 13, 2008 17:00

I've been in tears all day since apparently I need a quantitative science class to graduate...and the only quantitative science class DePaul has is a general physics class with a science AND math lab.


Maybe I should stop being whiny and just suck it up since, you know, I haven't taken any math classes in 4 years. This is, after all, an introductory physics class.

This is my only day off this week, and I honestly don't know what to do with myself. Maybe take a walk? Cook something and watch it during the game tonight? Man, I am at a loss. If working more than full-time is butthurt, taking multiple physics labs while working part time will be equal butthurt. Ergo, I will be in for butthurt for a very long time.

Six 8-hour shifts stand between me and a Brewers game in Milwaukee next week.

i'm tired, bitching about work, business time, i is a college stoodent

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