Canadian cloud

Oct 29, 2016 15:27

Things have been a little stressful lately, but I'm still working on costuming projects. I'm not quite finished my 1867 print dress because I'm tired of it. All that needs doing is hooks and eyes, so it's something I can finish up quickly when motivated. I cut out the lining for my 1883 velveteen bodice and the new black velveteen is currently in the wash. I also started up knitting my Canadian cloud. I decided to change my pattern to 5 rows of garter stitch and one row of YO, K2tog, all with a slipped stitch at the beginning. Somehow it already has a couple of boo-boos, but nothing major, so I'm forging on. (As far as I can tell, I missed a YO at some point, but had the right number of stitches later for several repeats of the pattern and then I counted and found that I was short a stitch so made sure to add another one. I have no clue what happened with that.) Pictures:

It's so soft and fluffy! You can see all the little fuzzies, or "halo" of the Shetland wool.

canadian cloud

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