Oct 18, 2014 13:41
So I've been away for awhile.
Well I was here, reading; but everytime I started to write, the stories seem to never finish.
Last night (or this morning), I sat my ass down and WROTE.
I also had the lovely Whaffle2006 help beta my fic. (choir music)
I sometimes/most of the times type how I talk, which is continuously and without breathing.
So, I'm very thankful for Whaffle2006's help^^;
I've finished a chapter. (cheers)
Sadly, it's not a continuation of my already published fics^^;
But don't worry, they will not remain unfinished.
I wouldn't do that, I know how much that sucks.
So I've been busy, still am, and a bit overwhelmed but I'd like to be more a part of this community.
Writing is always a joy. And I'm going to use it as a stress reliever.
Comments are love.