The Time Has Come

Oct 16, 2008 01:54

Well my fellow Live-Journal-ers... This is it. The very last LJ post I'll ever write.
I've finally put together my own WordPress on my website, which is where I'll be writing from now on.

It's been a solid eight years on this ol' journal. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end.

I've always wanted LJ to be an extension of my personal website. A lot of the things I wanted from a blog engine, LJ couldn't offer me. So, I've exported all my 2,488 journal entries, and my 5,076 comments to my new home. It's now much better integrated into my own site, much easier to handle comments and browse through older posts -- and it's totally free. This was a no brainer for me.

I will continue to read your journals via my friends list, so this isn't an out-right goodbye. I very much hope that you continue to read my journal, and comment.

If you have an RSS reader, you can add my blog to that. You might even be able to add the RSS Feed to your LJ Friends list -- I'm not entirely sure how that works.

I look forward to seeing you all in my new digs!!

Goodbye, LiveJournal.
Rock On!
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