
Oct 07, 2008 02:07

I am making myself do this. Three nights in a row, I've started a post and deleted everything halfway through. I can't seem to collect myself properly.

This weekend was pretty great. I picked Charrmaine up late Friday evening from the train station. We had a late dinner, and spent the night chit chatting about all the goings-on in our lives. We stayed up late watching late night television, which I haven't done in such a long time.

The next day, we were very, very lazy. We somehow managed to watch a good 2 hours of Discovery channel before standing up and getting on with the day. We had coffee and doughnuts. We watched the new John Cusack movie, Igor. It was... kinda meh, sadly. I took her to Boston's for late lunch/early dinner. It was delicious, as always (I was just now reminded that Jasmine said she owes me a birthday dinner... we will go here!)

We also found time to go the beach for a little while. I honestly can't remember the last time I went to the beach, and actually stood in the sand. I'm fairly certain that whenever the last time I went to the beach was, I stayed in my car, or on a bench somewhere away from the sand. It was very likely in 2007. Serious.

It was such a gorgeous day for a beach visit, too. Just as the sun was setting. Very cold, very cloudy, very grey. It's what I consider to be the absolute best beach weather. I even got rained on! Superb.

There was a little get together at my place on Saturday. Sarah, Carrie, Mallory, Alex all came to hang out with Charrmaine and I. Later, a small visit from Austin, who I hadn't seen in a very long time. I finally got to try Absolut Los Angeles, which I've been searching for. Had it over Sprite and a little bit of grenadine. Very good stuff. Very strong!! I got just the tiniest bit drunk. Just a smidge, I swear.

The next morning we woke up early to get breakfast at Denny's before she caught the train back up. We chatted only briefly before we had the realization that we both must be doing pretty darn good in our lives now, because we just didn't have all that much drama to sort through.

Perhaps we're growing up yet.

It was a very long weekend, that somehow wasn't long enough. Very lazy. Just what the doctored ordered.

I spent tonight watching episodes of Fringe. The show is right up her alley, but I'm still not 100% on it yet. I think it's finally starting to shape up though. So, I'm hanging on for now.

Talked to Emily briefly about a visit. She is thinking about hopping on a jetplane and heading westward to come visit. Excited doesn't even begin to cover it. The month of February was mentioned. She asked when a good time, weather wise, would be to come visit. My first thought was about the best time to visit, Disneyland crowd wise... Far more important than weather.

I have too many balls in the air right now, it seems. Trying to sort through this mess of paperwork between having to go do drivers school for a speeding ticket I got in January, and dealing with car insurance payments, and figuring out why my apartment complex is calling me 3 months after my lease expired to "let me know" that my lease has expired.... c'mon. It feels like I've got these things being juggled right now, and somehow, amazingly, I'm doing a pretty decent job.

So, what's next, I wonder.

Goodnight Moon.
Dream On.
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