"злые террористы отрезали сирию от интернета"

Nov 30, 2012 09:08

ссылка: http://blog.cloudflare.com/how-syria-turned-off-the-internet

цитата: "While we cannot know for sure, our network team estimates that Syria likely has a small number of edge routers. All the edge routers are controlled by Syrian Telecommunications. The systematic way in which routes were withdrawn suggests that this was done through updates in router configurations, not through a physical failure or cable cut."

вывод: засадят Асаду в жопу кол и поделом. а визги и писки различных запутинских мурзилок про "ужосы войны в сирии" теперь сдвигаем вправо на четыре бита, как минимум.

update: http://www.bgpmon.net/syria-shuts-down-the-internet/
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