(no subject)

Oct 27, 2007 00:43

Things are going ok here. I am amazed at how fast my vacation went, I've already been back at work for a week! It's been fine though, no drama at work so far, which is nice. Today was pretty busy but it was easy as far as work goes. I had a lot to do, which made the time go by quickly, but it was also low stress. Let's see if I'm feeling as happy tomorrow, haha.

My most recent undertaking has been exercise. I am determined to get rid of my belly flab! I know, anyone who knows me probably thinks I have some sort of mental problem by saying that. But seriously, folks, I've gained 30 lb. since high school. I am a firm believer that there isn't such a thing as too many Big Macs, but I don't want to look like I ate too many. :) I am not trying to lose any weight, which is good because in the month I have been exercising I have not lost anything! I'm starting to get abs (ok, just AB if you want to get technical...a "one pack" is better than a keg, belly wise anyway), and I'm more flexible. But the best part is that I have more energy every day. I've been waking up earlier and everything! It's almost 1 am and I don't feel tired, and I worked 9 hours, walked a mile home, and exercised a bit too. Crazy!

Not much else going on here though. Joe is back to work too, but nothing really new with him. He is doing well as far as I can tell. He's had a cold for a couple of weeks. He insists that he isn't sick now, he just has a cough. He's just doesn't want to admit he's sick. :) The cats are good too. One of them coughed up a hairball or something into Joe's jacket the other day. Apparently Joe made it to work before he realized, then tore of his jacket and scrubbed furiously at his arm while he coworkers laughed at him. And I missed it! I bet it was funny.

Well, it's nearly bedtime. Not tired, but sleep is good for me anyway. Have to rest up for work tomorrow! tootles.
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