Bourjois, which
has been producing cosmetics since 1863, has been available in Singapore for ages. However, I've only recently started to take a look at their products again, after having tried some of them sporadically over the years.
Les Produits
The Mascaras
I fondly remember Aqua Volume and Volume Glamour from years back - the vivid hues wore prettily and even though they weren't waterproof, they lasted quite decently and could be removed easily. Recent offerings like Maxi Frange and Say Yes to Volume, No to Clumps are moderately good too. I can't say the same for the new Volume Glamour Ultra Black though.
The Eye Shadows
More baked goodness but the little domes in their plastic cases look and feel less pigmented than most baked shadows. Although the cases reflect the colours inside (how easy it is to find a shadow!), they can be a tad flimsy. In the past, these were really sheer, some so much so that the shadow skipped upon application. Happily, some of the newer ones wear and apply better. Two of the latest dark colours have complex reflective flashes; very interesting and pretty! As with most baked shadows, you can wet these for more intense looks.
The Liners
I don't really fancy their liners but some of the ones from the Effet Métallisé range are absolutely vibrant! My favourite has to be Bleu Clinquant (tinselled blue), a rich and vivid creamy aqua that, together with the rest of the liners in the range, applies silkily. My only quibble with these liners is that they often cake over eye shadows. I like to apply liners over shadows, so you can imagine why this is a pain for me. However, I have found that cleaning the nib and studious application help to minimise this.
The Glosses
The pretty Effet 3D range is popular but they are so heavily laced with fragrance that I can't stand to have them on the lips. The texture is great though.
The Blushes
These are popular too, despite their sheerness and for some, their overt shimmer. Like the shadows, the blushes are baked into little domes. I owned one a long time ago but gave it to my mummy because I didn't like the colour as much as I thought I would. I read Bea's Up recently and found out that Rose D'Or ranks as one of the top must-haves for Japanese women in a few Japanese cities. Surely there must be a good reason for this? So I swiped it once more at the product display; again and again...and was enamoured with the soft pink interwoven with gold shimmer.
I think you know what happened next. ;)
Together with Rose D'Or, I purchased the eye shadows in Turquoise Ensoleillée (sunny turquoise) and Vert Pétillant (sparkling green), as well as Effet Métallisé Eye Liner in Brun Inoxydable (rustproof brown) yesterday.
For SG readers, the blushes retail at S$20.90 each, while the eye shadows cost $20.40 each (what a small difference from MAC eye shadow singles!). The Métallisé liners are S$15.80 each; a good price for such rich shades. You can get Bourjois items at 20% off right now at Watson's. The eye shadows are S$3 off retail price until 22 August, if I recall correctly. The 20% discount is not applicable for them.
Pour Les Yeux Asiatiques...
The two eyeshadows are beautiful paired together and yes, they're very MAG colours! ;) They blend wonderfully into each other, as with most blues and greens. Infused with gold shimmer, these two shadows are truly complementary.
I do many blue-green eyes, as you all know but these are special: while they aren't as sheer as some of the ones in the range, they have a delicate, wearable quality that lends a stunning softness to single-lidded eyes. Not much blending is really required with these shadows. ;) Wet them for a more metallic look or layer over a cream shadow for more intensity. The deep bronze liner sets off these colours beautifully; layer over with a shimmery cool or warm toned brown eye shadow for lasting effect. To see the eye I created using these items and other European eye makeup, click on the link below!
The next time you pass a Bourjois counter or display, try these shadows and the liner together on the back of your hand. You will understand what I mean. :)
What I used:
The eye:
I used:
- Make Up For Ever Pearly Waterproof Eye Shadow Pencil in #1 (Pearly White) (all over)
- Yves Rocher Luminelle Eye Shadow in Champagne (highlight)
- Bourjois Eye Shadow in Turquoise Ensoleillée (outer lid/contour)
- Bourjois Eye Shadow in Vert Pétillant (inner lid)
- Bourjois Effet Métallisé Eyeliner in Brun Inoxydable (lashline/rim)
- Make Up Store Microshadow in Choco D'Or (lashline/rim)
- Make Up Store Microshadow in Sun Breeze (inner rim)