Wait, what was this manga called again?

May 10, 2010 14:01

I think it was something like "KHR", but it's just been SO LONG, you know?

1. So while we were left KHR-less for two and a half weeks, waiting on the edge of our seats, Tsuna was asleep, eh? I see how it is. And ET TU, NUTS? Is he doing the whole Uri "boxes we don't need no stinkin' boxes" thing now? Aww. And look at him in that top panel, flat on his back with his lil' paws curled up in the air. I BET HE'S DREAMING ABOUT CHASING THINGS. And his master, meanwhile, is dreaming about how to escape. They complement each other pretty well.

2. Man, I wonder if Maman even locks the house up at night or what. XD So apparently the Shimon family is taking steps to ingratiate themselves with the Vongola even further by adhering to the timeless tradition of freeloading at Tsuna's place. I don't know how they conned on so quickly (maybe Maman just has a big neon sign on the front door that says OPEN... what am I saying, "maybe"?), but they sure seem to be making themselves comfortable. And Aoba is even macking on Tsuna's mom. THEY'RE GOING TO BE GOOD FRIENDS, TSUNA.


Also, are we really positive that Tsuna's mother is not also a space alien? Gokudera? Have you looked into this??

4. "By the way, Enma-kun, how's your eye?" "Oh, you know, creepy as always." Did anyone else notice how strange a transition Tsuna just made from "OH MY GOD THEY'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO STAY OVER HERE YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!?!?!?!!1111" to his cute little awkward, "hey bb you okay?" when he addresses Enma? Because I noticed.

Yeah, that's right, THE REST OF YOU CAN JUST CLEAR OUT ALREADY, but not you, Enma, you can stay. MAMAN, YOUR SON HAS YET ANOTHER BOYFRIEND. What is he even going to do with all of them, seriously.

And Lambo has taken a shine to Large, to the surprise of no one! The circle is now complete.

5. So Tsuna and Enma had yet another hetero moment and then Ryohei came running up. This is turning into the best weekend ever.

Apparently it is now time to GET OUR RIVALRY ON, because not only are Ryohei and Aoba fixin' to have an ultimate showdown of WHO CAN PROTECT SAWADA THE BEST!!, but Gokudera, apparently pinged by this in his soul, and also perhaps sensing that NEW KID IS HITTING ON HIS BOSS AGAIN (DON'T YOU EVER GIVE IT A REST, NEW KID??), pops out of nowhere to say good morning and then frolicks off to do his own patrolling rounds. With all these people protecting him, Tsuna can rest assured knowing that he probably only has like a 90% chance of someone attacking him anyway! That's about as safe as you've ever been in your life, Tsuna.

6. So after about five minutes, Aoba and Ryohei get bored and decide that fighting is a much more logical way to spend their time. That actually took longer than I expected. But fortunately for Tsuna, even Kyoko is in a stalking mood today! ONII-CHAN DID THE WORD "FIGHT" JUST COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH, I THINK IT DID, YOU'D BEST EXPLAIN YOURSELF SON. And of course, Ryohei is immediately topped by her. As we all are.

In the end, Maman instantly KOs them both with the mere mention of the word "studying", which is... well, I just won't say anything.

Looks like Reborn's getting ideas, though. AW HERE IT GOES.

7. STUDYTHON! Man, you guys, you're just competing at all of Gokudera's favorite things today, aren't you? Or, failing to compete might actually be the better description. When even Tsuna is surprised that you don't know how to solve the problem, you know there is something seriously wrong with your brains, lads. XDD

8. So Reborn suggests they all leave (perhaps realizing the innate lack of entertainment in watching a pair of people suck at studying), and immediately Aoba and Ryohei come to the conclusion that they should start breaking things, because in the end isn't that really what God put us all on this good green earth to do?

Only they suck at that too (YOU GUYS, REALLY), and are also beginning to cause a worrying amount of property damage. Tsuna, however, is more concerned by the fact that he hasn't tried to make adorable small talk to Enma in about five minutes, so he quickly remedies that. Smooth, Decimo. Smooth.

9. Ryohei and Aoba continue to punch things until they finally succeed in their quest! And in the process, they LEARN TO WORK TOGETHER. And also destroy Tsuna's room. I hope you dudes are going to pay for that.

Also, I would just like to note that in spite of the fact that all of Tsuna's windows blew out (LOUDLY), Gokudera did not come running in full battle mode, which leads me to wonder if any of Tsuna's bodyguards brought their game today, because I'm thinking not. GOKUDERA I AM DISAPPOINT.

10. But what's this?? MAFIA PEOPLE DOING MAFIA THINGS? Could it be that we are finally getting introduced to the Ninth gen guardians? :O I've been saying all along (you know I have) that what this manga really needed was more SEXY OLD MEN. AND AS ALWAYS, AMANO DELIVERS.

Nothing like topping off a chapter of hilarious Daily Life with some "don't even think for a second we forgot about the plot because WE DIDN'T!" Oh man, I can't wait for next week.

And in the likely event that I don't get around to making another post to mention it tomorrow, Happy Birthday, phppsmss! And Happy Birthday to escherichiacola too! ♥ ETA: AND ALSO teruame. ♥ ♥

reborn (the series), oh nono you didn't, aoba mcaoba, domo arigato mr kozato, lambo, the plot thickens, yay new chapter, tsuna, hilarity, gokudera, ryohei

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