Hello Monday.

May 03, 2010 16:29



2. From makemegray:

If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you. While there is a risk that disobeying this part of the meme will result in CRIPPLING GUILT, it's a chance I'm willing to take.

#01 What song are you currently addicted to?
Human by Civil Twilight. Yes, this is an entirely different song from the one I was obsessed with when I did a similar meme two weeks ago. I AM FICKLE. I do believe Steven McKellar may have the most incredible voice I've ever heard.

#02 What game are you currently playing?
Nothing right now. ;; I haven't played anything since I finished Spirit Tracks a few months ago. One of these days I will finally give in and spend money I can't really afford to spend on AA: Investigations and No More Heroes 2. XD

#03 What was the last movie you saw?
Kick-Ass. It was aptly named. o/

#04 Happy news you've just received?
Idek. Nothing especially exciting has happened for a little while. My brother got inducted into his college's honor society, so he's pleased about that; I guess that would be the most recent thing.

#05 At least one detail about a person you like?
Sense of humor!

#06 What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
IT'S THAT SHOW, YOU GUYS. The one with the baby and the kid who's always flying around on fire all the time and that one megane guy who's pissed off all the time but he's really hot so no one cares and also I think he's kinda gay but hush.

#07 Are you a cat person or a dog person?
I like dogs, I really do, but seriously, CATS.

#08 What color are your bedroom walls?
Pale yellow on three sides and a deep red on the fourth. It's nice.

#09 What was the last thing you bought?
A blueberry iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts.

#10 Would you rather date a good singer, or a good cook?
I know I should just change this to a different question like it says in the instructions, but I'm too lazy to think of something new, so I'll just pass over it with a dubious glance.

#11 Something that made you laugh today?
tsunayoshi's latest Primo Arc recap. Honestly, I was a lost cause as soon as I turned the music on. :|

#12 What do you do to change your mood?
Last time I answered "read or listen to music", but having thought about this more, honestly? If I want to change my mood, usually I just... change my mood. It's not too difficult most of the time. Unless I'm really pissed off once in a blue moon, in which case I'll go for a walk or a drive.

#13 What was the last meal you ate?
A grilled chicken sandwich. It was tasty.

#14 Countries that you want to visit?
England (mostly I just want to visit London), Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore... LOTS OF PLACES. Can I get away with it if I just answer "all of them"?

#15 Any plans for today?
Had a job interview earlier, and now I'm going to chill out and do some memes and try to work on some fic and later make some dinner (or order out if I get really lazy). I probably should have just said "no."

#16 Open your mp3 player of choice. What is your most played song?
iTunes always messes this up and resets counts and so forth, but right now according to that it's It Was Nice to Have Met You from the Benjamin Button OST. Which I do admittedly listen to a lot. There's a certain point, starting about 46 seconds in, where I swear my heart just breaks every time I hear it.

#17 What did you dream about last night?
Going to Disney World with my family. We've had really hot and humid weather here lately so I guess it started to trigger memories and stuff. I was so depressed for a moment when I woke up. XD I WANT TO GO BAAAAAACK.

#18 What kind of music is contained in your hard drive?
Alternative rock and looooots of soundtracks.

#19 How do you watch your anime?
"I almost never do" is the real answer these days, but when I do, lately I've been using One Piece of Bleach to stream it. Unless I'm watching something I own on DVD, like Champloo or Bebop or Azumanga Daioh.

3. And because daigranon posted a character meme (MY WEAKNESS!1)...

Pick from any of my fandoms and ask me to answer the following:

Favorite character:
Least Favorite Character:
Character with the best hair:
Character with the best eyes:
Character I'd most want to kiss:
Character I'd most likely screw:
Character I'd make lunch:
Character I'd go singing in the rain with:
Character I'd go shopping with:
Character I'd go dancing with:
Character I'd take over the world with:
Character I'd most want to cosplay as:
Favorite Pairing:
Favorite Yaoi pairing:
Favorite Yuri pairing:

Guys this meme is my destiny. 8(

real life, reborn (the series), digimon, music, avatar, narnia, cowboy bebop, tonight we fangirl in hell, naruto, samurai champloo, star wars, meme

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