Jul 28, 2009 20:49

Actually, she gave me two, but this was ridiculously time-consuming, so I'll save the other for another day!

Make a list of all the characters in your icons. (Although you may have more than one icon of a single character, they only go on the list once.) Alphabetize it. Take the first two people on the list; that's your first pairing for battle. Second two people; second pairing for battle. Etc. Then write your reaction to each battle.


Genkishi vs

OH SNAP. On the one hand, Gokudera is probably pissed at Genkishi for that time when he killed Yamamoto with a wall. On the other hand, he's probably impressed with Genkishi for that time when he killed Yamamoto with a wall. But I have a feeling Gokudera doesn't like traitors very much (he did get to hear Gamma's whole sob story, after all), and ON TOP OF THAT, HE'S ALSO PISSED AT HIM FOR TRYING TO RAPE TSUNA WITH THE HELL RING THAT ONE TIME, SO IT'S ON.

Unfortunately for Gokudera though, Genkishi, being a combination of Yamamoto and Mukuro, is about the worst possible type of opponent for him to face, and probably beats him soundly. BUT IT'S OKAY BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW YAMA ULTIMATELY GETS REVENGE. And then Kikyou blows him up. So it's a happy ending for everyone! Except, wait, it isn't.


Haru vs Kyoko

VONGOLA CATFIGHT. Now, obviously, Kyoko and Haru are normally BFFs so this would not happen under just any circumstances. Therefore, we'll have to invent a crazy scenario in which to frame it. I like to imagine that one day, Haru catches Kyoko eating cake on a NON-APPRECIATION DAY!!1, but because they're dear friends she swears never to tell anyone, much to Kyoko's relief. But then one day soon afterward, Kyoko accidentally (and I'm sure, quite innocently... OR IS IT?) lets one of Haru's embarrassing secrets slip during lunch with the boys, and Haru is like, "!!! D: --WELL, ONE TIME KYOKO-CHAN ATE CAKE EVEN THOUGH IT WASN'T SUNDAY!" And Kyoko, BETRAYED, immediately shoots back, "WELL, HARU-CHAN ONCE SAID SHE ADMIRED SOMEONE THAT WASN'T TSUNA!" And Haru gasps, "THAT WAS ONE TIME! AND I IMMEDIATELY SAID THAT OF COURSE HE WASN'T ANYTHING COMPARED TO TSUNA-SAN! AND ONE TIME KYOKO-CHAN COMPLAINED THAT SHE WAS TIRED OF COOKING FOR YOU GUYS!" And Kyoko shrieks, "YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER TELL!" and tackles her, and the result is a chaotic tangle of cursing and kicking and hair-pulling while the boys just sit there, terrified.

In the end, both girls apologize repeatedly and profusely to each other and there's a lot of crying and sniffling and hugging, and their friendship winds up even stronger than before, and all of the boys are thoroughly traumatized.


Reborn vs

We could make this a standard battle, but since Reborn and his deus ex machina powers would win in two seconds (particularly given that Squalo can't even dodge wine glasses), that seems a little dull. Instead, I propose a battle of sexiness.

Now, at first glance you might think that Reborn has the edge in this too (those... eyes...!), but you can't forget to take into account Squalo's long, beautiful Pantene locks, which under normal circumstances would be far too pretty for a man but somehow he pulls it off. We also have to consider that Squalo has a flying shark, though as of yet I've been unable to determine whether that adds or subtracts from the sexiness (it depends on how distracting it is).

In the end, I think the most important thing is that if they did end up fighting anyway, it would probably end up looking a lot like one of Spike and Vicious's fights from Cowboy Bebop. Think about it.


Tsuna vs

Of all the fights in Reborn that could ever possibly happen, I think this one would be the best, just because BOTH PARTICIPANTS CAN FLY. And one of them is Roronoa Zoro on steroids, and the other is a mafia Super Saiyan. Really, I could say more, but I think that's all we need to know. Shiniest. Fight. Ever. *_*


Uri vs

I have this mental image of a tiny mafia cat, bravely leaping forward to attack, and a soulless black wall, standing there resolutely, certain in the defenses that have withstood countless foolhardy charging idiots in the past, and will conquer many more in the years to come... THIS WILL NOT END WELL.

reborn (the series), yamamoto, yama/wall, tsuna, haru, hilarity, gokudera, meme, idk my bff squalo

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