ITP we stubbornly ignore reality and live in a fantasy world.

Jul 23, 2009 13:39

Spoilers for KHR 251 came out yesterday and they basically detail a series of increasingly horrible events. D:

From Mangahelpers:

The front cover is Kikyo.


Irie's left side is pierced.
He falls.


At the same time,
Yamamoto's trying to get at Daisy.

NOOO--wait, this one's not actually bad yet!

Daisy remains awake.

Oh. Never mind.

Gokudera's unsteady on his feet.


Shouichi doesn't stay awake.


Tsuna and the others lost.


SOB. So basically Team Vongola failed big time in large part due to Gokudera being beaten by flowers (:|!) and Kikyou being a bitch. All I can say is, Shou had better not be dead. D:

Faced with this discouraging news, I think now would be a good time to assume that somehow everything will be all right and they'll all go to a round two for no reason. Therefore, I will now indulge in a round of KHR FANTASY BASEBALL.

First, to recap: Our initial teams consist of the somewhat terrifying Millefiore Funeral Wreaths and company, and the sharply-dressed Vongola Decimo and friends. And by friends, of course, I mean Squalo, Basil, the group at the bottom of this page, and possibly these three fools, since they were hiding in that panel for some reason. Anyway, as you all recall, Choice is a game of choice randomly determines a different location and number of players for each round. But the players are restricted by their flame types, which is where things start to get interesting.

Now, in the last round we saw a scenario in which the Millefiore ended up needing two Mist-types, which wasn't a problem for them because they have their never-ending supply of random A-rank dudes to pick from. But if such a situation were to arise on the Vongola side, they'd be in a bit more of a jam. HOWEVER, they did bring along a few extras for just such an occasion! Let's take stock.

Sky - Tsuna, Dino (I assume? I can't actually remember)
Sun - Ryohei, possibly Reborn (because it would be awesome)
Mist - Chrome, Mukuro?? (WHERE ARE YOU?)
Cloud - Hibari
Rain - Yamamoto, Basil, and Squalo
Lightning - Lambo, Gamma
Storm - Gokudera, Bianchi, Nosaru, and Tazaru
OTHER - I-Pin, Kyoko, Haru, Gianinni, Spanner, and Shou who hopefully isn't dead

So there's actually a lot of room to mix things up. Let's use our imaginations!

Scenario #1: All About Gokudera

Sky - 0
Sun - 1
Mist - 0
Cloud - 0
Rain - 0
Lightning - 1
Storm - 2

In this scenario, the Vongola team would consist of Gokudera, Ryohei, Lambo, and an extra storm type, who I presume would be Bianchi. Naturally, Gokudera would immediately appoint himself the leader of such a team (and as the highest-ranking guardian there, and probably the best strategist as well, he wouldn't really be out of line in doing so), and naturally, everyone else on said team would immediately proceed to ignore his commands, because when have any of these three ever listened to him ever. On top of that, Gokudera would be even more high-strung than usual due to his epic failure in the previous round, so basically the resulting match would a hilarious, out-of-control scene in which everyone splits up every which way doing their own thing. But then, since this is shounen, somehow they all pull together in the end and show off the results of all their training and kick some Millefiore ass. And we finally get to see the new Sistema C.A.I., and also maybe Gokudera teams up with Bianchi somehow because I CAN DREAM! Oh, and we'll say Lambo ends up being the Vongola target, just cuz. And they all have to protect him, but because he's Lambo and an idiot, he ends up RUNNING AWAY or something and they're all like, "NO YOU IDIOT!" and trying to chase him down before the Millefiore get him. XD Basically this fight is all my dreams come true.

ODDS OF HAPPENING: 10 to 1. Gokudera does need to redeem himself, and since Lambo and Ryohei haven't fought yet, the odds of them being in the next round are pretty good. But since this battle is also basically an excuse to make Gokudera the main character for the next five or six chapters, Amano would have to show some pretty abrupt and blatant favoritism. (I CAN ALWAYS HOPE.)
WIN FACTOR: Extreme.
WOULD THEY WIN?: Oh you bet.

Scenario #2: Hibari Plus All The Guys That Hibari Hates

Sky - 1
Sun -
Mist - 1
Cloud - 1
Rain - 0
Lightning - 1
Storm - 0

In this scenario, we have Hibari, Chrome, Tsuna, and Lambo, except that for some reason they decide Tsuna should sit this one out (because... he... broke his contacts again...?), so they send in Dino instead. And also, right before they get started, Gamma shows up and for some reason they're all like, "HEY SURE WHY NOT" and they let him fight instead of Lambo (in their defense, anything to keep Lambo from being set loose with this group XD). And let's say Chrome's the target, because why not. So Dino tries to take charge, except that immediately Hibari stalks off on his own because that's how we do it cloud-style, and Gamma runs off on his own right after that. So Dino gets stuck on the defense with Chrome, only he gets separated from her by whoever he's fighting, so she's all on her own! And she kicks ass thanks to all the training Mammon gave her, but because Gamma ends up losing to whatever guy he fought (it's karma), she ends up being outnumbered. AND THEN MUKURO SHOWS UP SOMEHOW! Oh boy!

ODDS OF HAPPENING: 15 to 1. At first glance it may seem like the most random combo ever, but then you realize--this is Reborn we're talking about. Which means that the more ridiculous it is, the more likely that it'll actually happen. So.
WIN FACTOR: Extreme like dinosaurs exploding.
WOULD THEY WIN?: No, because once Mukuro drops in, the Vongola side gets disqualified even though Hibari successfully eliminates the Millefiore target. WOE.

Scenario #3: Now You're Just Making Shit Up

Sky - 0
Sun - 1
Mist - 0
Cloud - 0
Rain - 3
Lightning - 0
Storm - 0

In this scenario, Byakuran gets picked for the Millefiore side! So the Vongola are all like, "FFFFF" because all they've got are three rain-types plus Ryohei. So then Reborn suddenly decides that he wants to pinch-hit for Ryohei because he's also a sun-type and it's his time to shine. And also Gianinni is there, just for lulz. So, Gianinni just stands around awkwardly while Yamamoto and Squalo argue over who has to stay behind to guard Basil (who is the target), and meanwhile Reborn goes out and has an epic fight against Byakuran. It's must-see TV.

WIN FACTOR: So awesome the manga would have to end afterward because nothing could ever top it.
WOULD THEY WIN?: Twist ending! Reborn ultimately loses after a long and awesomely drawn-out fight, but because the Millefiore side has to get through Yamamoto and Squalo (HA, good luck) before they can take out Basil, Gianinni has time to sneak through enemy lines and blow up the enemy target in a moment of utter wtf. WHO KNEW?

Anyway. DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE SOME DREAM TEAM SCENARIOS? I am obviously having way too much fun with this. XD

reborn (the series), lambo, the plot thickens, yay new chapter, epic geekery, namimori antichrist, tonight we fangirl in hell, hilarity, gokudera

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