Tha Shifty, he is a changin': Or, where I've been for the past freakin' year.

Sep 29, 2010 15:54

Sitting in the student lounge, laptop in, well... lap of course. Starbucks Doubleshot to his right, Hostess fruit pie to his left.

So.. I'm in therapy, I'm on medication, and.. I'm in college.

Yeah, take a moment to let that all sink in.

Seems like this has been a year of turning myself around. One minute I was doing the waving thing as I am known to do for food money during tax season, next thing I'm looking into getting help for these ever so entertaining wonky brainmeats. Then came lithium, then came applying for college.

Ok, that last might not exactly flow with whatever chain of events you expect. But I'm not regretting my decision to go after a B.A. in IT Database tech. Pell grant's covered tuition for this first year, and half a student loan is going to set me up in a new apartment closer to school. Of course I'll be gunning for any scholarships and/or grants I can get to keep this running for another three years.

So far, the meds have helped balance me out despite the stress of kickin' it college style. And finding a group of younger dorks to geek out with between classes. There's a school athletic center and minor medical covered by my tuition. So getting in shape, or rather getting a little less roundish seems like a definite possibility.

All in all, this whole thing is scary as fuck. Weird as hell and quite possibly the smartest thing I've done in damn near a decade.

So, where does that leave the people who may have gleaned over this and thought I was dead?

Well, I predict a marked increase in posts. If only to show a change from my semi-annual bitchfests about being jobless, dateless and all around hopeless. Especially since part of my student loans got me the spiffy bit o' laptop tech I'm using on the school's free wifi.

So, appropriate to my edjamacational situation, here's a thought for today from yer Weird Uncle Shyfty.

There's always time for another last minute.



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