Jul 11, 2008 21:12
Okay, so instead of waking me up at o'dark thirty like they usually do, the kids let my medicated self sleep til after 9. Which meant I had to call in to my one boss and not go. This gives me three days to recover from overworking myself too soon coming off the random crippled arm incident. YAY
So, breakfast for boys made and served, Roslyn fed peaches and a bottle.
Change diaper.
Clean up after breakfast.
Begin tearing apart and putting back together room.
Clean clean clean. Throw away shit, organice papers, make bed.
Take break to chase kids.
Feed boys snack, Roslyn another bottle then lay Ros down for nap.
Resume cleaning room.
Take dirty clothes downstairs.
Wash dirty clothes.
Take clean clothes already in dryer out, fold, put away.
Put recently dirty, but now clean clothes in dryer.
Make pizza for lunch.
Demand that everyone (parents included) EAT fabulous Chef Boyardee pizza masterpiece.
Clean dishes. Pausing to eat myself.
Throw boys in back yard, they are being very bad.
Take recently washed, now warm and dry clothes out.
Fold clothes. Quietly put away while trying not to wake sleeping baby.
Make boys come in. Give them drinks, clean more dishes.
Empty Dad's ash tray and clean.
Smoke one of Dad's cigarettes to reward myself.
Boys watching movie, unusually well behaved. Inform my momma I'm taking a quick shower because I feel grody.
Feel better about things.
Feed Roslyn. Check Email.
Chase Boys.
Try not to Drop Roslyn while chasing boys.
Play with Roslyn.
Take away toys before boys kill selves with them.
Get hamsteaks out of fridge, beans from pantry and tater tots from freezer.
Prepare dinner.
Feed Roslyn rest of jar of peaches while food cooking.
Plate and serve dinner.
Throw a fit about dinner getting cold and ungreatful male persons in house needing to eat what I plated for them.
Clear table.
Give boys those jell-o thingies with fruit chunks in them for dessert.
Chase kids some more.
Email and Myspace addictions fed.
Drag boys out to porch and threaten them that they either go to sleep nicely in their beds (not jump on them or try to tear them apart) or they can sleep in the spider infested play house.
Boys go to bed.
Talk to Jared briefly on phone.
Flump down on couch with Pepsi on table beside me.
Type some more.
Loooooottts of typing.
Roslyn wakes up, has pooped and puked on her nice clean bedsheets. Clean baby, pass baby to gramma while I find clean clothes and change sheet AGAIN.
Roslyn back asleep.
God I'm bored.
I need something to do.....