My mom has been visiting since Tuesday last week. I love having my mom around. We celebrated my birthday while she was here. I was spoiled rotten. It's actually a little bit embarrassing. Among other things I received a digital camera from mom and Dave. It's fabulous! You'll see some of the results of that gift down below.
birwulf got me futon!! In our computer room we have a decaying, dilapidated papazan. Because the frame is coming apart, it's only comfortable for one person, and that's only if you lay in certain positions. Otherwise various parts of the frame poke into your rear end. Not very comfy. So I am VERY excited about getting the futon. It's so nice because it will serve various uses, not the least of which is an extra guest bed.
Having mom around the house during the week was great. She helped with meals, did some chores I've been putting off for... ever. (like sweeping out the laundry closet - something that hadn't been done since we moved in, until she did it last week), and was great company just to have around the house. If you're wondering what kind of horrible daughter I am having my mom do housework while she's here on vacation - she asked me to make of list of things she could do if she felt like it. And because she's wonderful, she did the 2 things that were on the list, which are things I've been putting off literally for years.
On Saturday we went hiking at Silver Falls State Park. It was beautiful!! As you can see:
Well. Fuck me. I can't get the fucking pictures to upload. And I'm tired, so it's just making me mad.
I'll try again tomorrow. Right now it's making me want to pull out my hair and throw things. And because I'm irritable and tired, I'm going to point out that
birwulf is too busy playing on-line poker to help me. Other than to say he doesn't know what's wrong. Helloooo!? Computer moron here... I don't know what I'm doing. I can't tell if the computer just hates me or if I'm doing something wrong.
ok. Now I'm just being pissy. I'm going to bed. Tomorrow I'll post about what we did Sunday, picking up Dave at the airport last night, showing him around my work, etc. Until then... Ggrrr.