Dec 29, 2004 17:32
Driving tonight on a lonely, quiet desolate road. with the smell of tonight's rain lingering in the still air. not thinking any thoughts while at the same time so many thoughts rushing through my mind i can hardly hold on to them. i just couldnt get off the the thought that no one really totally and utterly knows any other person but themselves. and that makes one feel really alone. because you can never totally know every little experience. scar. smile. another person has felt. i want to truly and completely know someone. anyone and everyone. every heartache. every smile. every experience. i know its impossible. but wouldnt it be nice. to fully and completely know someone. all their quirks and past experiences. deaths. seasaws. flower crowns made for them out of tineee white flowers. and i want someone, everyone to know the little things about me. how i write long letters in my mind that somehow never get written. how sometimes i smile for no reason and i get nervous that someone will ask me why i am smiling and i have no reason. so i like to cover it and secretly s m i l e i love to sing loudlyyyy to songgggs and if i dont know the wordsss than i make them up. if people put effort into truly trying to know someone on a deep level, they would realize they were the same. sure they had different experiences but we all feel the same. emotions. emotions of love. anger. magic. sure, maybe the events that envoked the emotions might have been different and maybe they are of different intensities. but yes they all the same core emotion. in this way, we are all connected. you and the homeless man on the side of the street both feel. feelings of love. its amazing in a way, the major paradox of life. we are all alone because you can never fully and completely know another and they cant fully and completely know you but at the same time we all if we just look are all connected through similar feelings. love. passion. kindness. like little, invisible spiderwebs. strong yet hard to notice in misty morning fog. it utterly and completely amazes me. please just take a look. look past the fog. and notice the connections you share with others. and how you affect others. the feelings of love you share. the sky you all share. it amazes me just like the nights city jewels.<333333