The USDA is poised to accept food industry recommendations to gut the definition of what "organic" means. It's disturbing, as this
Daily Kos diary by OrangeClouds115 notes.
The public comment period (which was a shockingly brief 7 days, perhaps in an attempt to limit public comment) closes tomorrow. Last minute comments are only accepted on the USDA site itself, not via any advocacy organization's letter-generating tool. If you want some text to adapt as your own, definitely read the dKos diary.
A quick guide to the USDA comment site, courtesy OC115:
1. Go to
this page.
2. In the search, paste: ams-tm-07-0062
3. Click "Submit"
4. In the 1 item that comes up, click the yellow icon under the "Comments Add/Due By" box.
5. Follow the prompts to leave your name, city, zip code, and comment.
6. Click "Next Step"
7. Verify your comment and click "Submit".