Five o'clock and all is well

Nov 24, 2009 17:10

It's five and I'm getting ready to make dinner. It's a challenge to figure out what to make the 2 days before Thanksgiving, but now there's a plan. Tonight is chicken parmesan and bow tie pasta and tomorrow is polska kielbasa. As for Turkey day, I think I've acquired all the necessary bits so I don't have to go back to the store. Tomorrow will be brining of the turkey, which proved to be a fantastic idea last year.

The old washer has now been replaced with a brand new one. Home Depot had a decent sale and when I got there they actually had one in stock. So, saved the money and hassle of having one delivered and just took it with me. Got the old washer unhooked and completely out of the house by myself. Learned an important lesson with that one too ... Don't take the drain hose off the back until you're outside. There's apparently a reserve of water underneath and dude, it smells manky. Ah well, I was cleaning the floor anyway.

Triathlon training is going well. I am pleased. And I may have inspired someone close to me to join me. Just the thought they might want to is awesome.

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving. There will be an a post of gratitude forthcoming.

Off to cook.


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