I had plenty of burger choices on the walk. My plan now was to go north to Liberia and then cut over on Richmond and back in one big circle.
The next burger joint along the way is
Five Guys. On my way up Mathis I had time to think it over and I decided rather than stop there or McDonalds or BK or Taco Bell which were all on or near my route I’d go with Wendy’s. And it turned out to be a single with ketchup, lettuce and tomato. Not wanting to have to worry if my foot was going to complain again I just ate it while I was walking.
On Liberia just after Richmond Avenue there’s a new SFW (Shopper’s Food Warehouse) and I thought they had a great selection of wings or actually legs. When I got there it seems they now only had 4 and they were no longer wet as the sauce was too the side. I didn’t like that idea but I’m glad that they did as it saved me some money. So I got my honey mustard pretzels and was on my way.
On my way home I pass the tennis courts at the middle school. With Dave and his sore hand I haven’t played in a few weeks and I’m missing it. A woman was teaching her son who was probably about 6. Actually, she seemed to be practicing a serve and he was trying to hit them back. I didn’t get any positive response besides a half hearted smile when I chimed in “Can I play?”
When I got home Alexandra, Jeremiah and David had just made it home from church. I asked David if he was up for playing yet but he said no. I guess he didn’t like all the leaves in the yard and wanted to get them cleaned up. Jeremiah was willing to try and hit some and I’d practice my ground strokes and serve while he flailed away on the other side.
We drove to the middle school and low and behold the courts weren’t empty. I have a number of racquets, usually a case of new tennis balls and a bucket or more of used balls in my trunk. As I was putting my tennis shoes on Jeremiah was getting out the balls. When I got to the back I started looking for my racquet. David and I had played a while back and I knew we threw the racquets in the back when we were through. I have a pretty loaded trunk. For the life of me I couldn’t find my racquet. When Jeremiah said could I use this racquet a while back I had my head in the trunk and kind of said yes.
I told him to look in the back of the car for my racquet. He opened the door and came right back saying it wasn’t there. Jeremiah isn’t the best of lookers and I knew he didn’t have time to move the coat, sweaters and miscellaneous other things I have in my back seat.
After sending him back a few times I realized he had my racquet in his hands. I’m not sure how loud I was when I said “WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY RACQUET?” Jeremiah’s very sensitive and since he wasn’t shocked or crying I figure I didn’t do too badly.
By the time we were ready to play mom and son had packed up and left so we had all four courts to ourselves. Just wonderful.
I hit a bucket of backhands and by the time I was through the second bucket which I was serving I was feeling quite tired.
I figured I could use some beer to give me energy. I only put 3 in the refrigerator at a time. As I said the other day I got the holiday back at Costco. To my surprise I found out that there are actually 6 different kinds. One of them is cranberry something and I’ll have that one with the game. I had a black lager already and I doubt I’ll stay up for the whole game.
One might say that my tastes weren’t consistent. I like my beer almost frozen but I prefer my water almost room temperature. Actually, it isn’t easy getting water like that at restaurants and when I have some more time one day I’ll give you some of my restaurant water stories. For now the Redskins are already down 0-7 and I must be on my way.