May 06, 2010 00:41
So, my points at work start to fall off on June 1st. Until then, one mistake and I'm gone. So, I'm taking as much time off this month as possible, so I'm in even less danger of accidently being late or getting in trouble. I've actually got a weird week because of this plan: I got off on Monday night, was off Tuesday and Wednesday, I go back to work Thursday, I'm off Friday and Saturday, go back for Sunday and Monday, and then I'm off again Tuesday and Wednesay. *LOL* I'm still counting the days though; I might not be completely in love with my job, but I sure as hell need it. Besides, not only did I get paid $1004.10 after taxes today, but I have a $635 commission check comming next month. And I love money. The fifty cent raise is really very nice, and $16.65 might not be big bucks, but it's not chicken feed either. Maybe if I don't loose my job I might even someday be able to get out of credit card debt. Wish me luck... June 1st can't come soon enough.
This past week has been pretty boring. The book I finished was a dissapointment, the one I've started sucks. I've barely made it through three chapters, and I don't know if I've got what it takes to finish. Ever read a book where the author insists on giving too much info? Like, they use three or four descriptive words in every sentence to describe something (hair color, the feeling of something that's being touched, a taste... whatever) that only really needs one simple description? I mean, I like details, I like to have the scene set for me and all, but sometimes enough is enough. It's distracting. The premise sounds fun though, and the cover art is gorgeous, so I'll give it a bit more time. Maybe. I did use my tax refund check to splurge on myself, and I bought a kindle. Finally! I've got a bunch of books on my harddrive, so I've got a lot to choose from. Lots of M/M and M/F/M erotica, and some paranormal romances. Since I didn't not *ahem* exactly pay for all of these, I figure if anything sucks as much as the last few books I've read then I won't feel so bad just giving up, deleting them, and starting on something else. I've always wanted a kinle, so I'm excited. I figured I deserved a little something for myself.
For once I'm happy with the IRS. With the new house that I bought, and the fact that I can claim my disabled father as a dependant, I got a nice refund check this year. Last year I had to give them $600 (I was still paying it off, actually, with monthly payments) but this time I got $6765.45! SCORE!!! I can get some stuff I needed for the house, and I can finally pay back my Gran for the money she gave us to get the house, so it's all good.
I went to see "A Nightmare on Elm Street" last night. I've loved the Elm Street movies since I was a kid, but I really wanted to hate this movie. I wasn't too keen on anyone but Robert Englud playing Freddy, and I didn't see a reason for a remake... but I absolutely loved it! Jackie Earle Haley (Rorschach from "Watchmen". Am I the only one here who's enjoyed him on "Human Target" on FOX?) was awesome, the plot was a good enough mix of old and new stuff to keep the nostalga plesant and to still keep you guessing about what might come next. I jumped a bunch of times, which is part of how I judge how much I'm enjoying a horror film, and I think Freddy actually came out a little creepier than the original. They could have given Freddy a few more one liners, added a bit more of the dark humor that's present in the latter films, but other than that I can't complain. I'd recommend that all of my horror film loving FListers go see this one ASAP. Now, if only they'd get on with the "Hellraiser" remake! Oh, and they played some pretty good preivews. The new "Resident Evil" looks really good, and there's another hot chick along with Milla Jovovich, so the eye candy is great (for those of us who appreciate a hot chick in tight clothes kicking ass and taking names). Not sure about the plot, but who watches zombie movies for the plot anyway? The new Ryan Renyolds movie looks creepy, but only because I'm kind of a closterphobic. And even though I wasn't too keen on it before seeing the preview, "Jonah Hex" looks pretty cool.
I was out with the 'rents shopping all day. We got some stuff for the house, mostly to redo the bathroom (my brother was supposed to do that by now, but we all know how realiable he is) walls and floors. We got some cool tools yesterday. Yay powertools!!! Maybe I'll even learn how to make stuff with them someday. I also got the shopping done for my brother's girlfriend's daughter's (she calls him Daddy already, so does that make her my niece?) 4th birthday party. It's being held at my house (oh, lucky me) on Saturday. I have to admit, it is fun to be able to buy kid's toys. Not that I didn't already, but now I get to buy more. I love to buy her silly hats and toys that will drive her parents nuts, all because I get to send her home with them *LOL* Nothing good at the Goodwill today though, which made me sad. I've got a nice little Goodwill shop a few blocks from my house, so I walk up there every Tuesday because I'm off and they give a 25% discount to casino employees. I've gotten a lot of nice Japanese vintage/antique pieces (one of which got broken my my niece, *sad*) at really good prices, plus an awesome pink DVD player for only $9.99, but this week it was just junk. Maybe I'll have better luck next week.
I'm going to First Fridays in a few days. It's an event in our arts distric, where they shut off a few blocks and display works by local artists, and they have music and stuff. I've almost always worked on Fridays, ever since I got to town, so this is one of my first chances to go. I just hope it's not too hot. I think it's sad that Vegas only celebrates art once a month, but at least it's something. Maybe I'll even get a painting or something for my house, who knows. Or maybe I'll meet someone interesting. Some guy I met the other day told me, when asked what he did, that he was a pirate. *LOL* He was kind of a wierd guy, and not really in a good way. One of the upsides and downsides of riding the bus: weirdos. Sometimes it's good, sometimes not. I think I'll save up some of my IRS cash though, and finally learn to drive/get a car. I'm almost 30, I guess it's about time.
I think I might have a dog soon, but that's not really a good thing. My brother and his ex got this little mixed thing named Hurcules, and they keep it crated all the time, never trained him (he tears things up, barks non stop, can't walk on a leash, mostly because they never walked him, and he humps legs) and didn't have him fixed. His balls are HUGE, but they've never taken him to a vet either, to find out why. When they broke up the ex kept the dog. Now she doesn't want it, and makes the poor thing stay outside in this heat, but my brother can't take him righ now either. I don't really like the dog, and I told Mom I didn't want it, but then she hit me with a low blow: it's going to the pound if I don't take it. She knows I won't let that happen. Supposedly when my brother moves he'll take it back, but the last time he left an animal with me (his cat, Remmy) I had it until it died. Not sure how this is going to work out... TBC, I guess.
Happy that they've put "Metalocalypse" back on Adult Swim! Yay! Now, if only I could have some new episodes. And "Boondocks" has started new episodes again. I've got the first one DVRed, but I've yet to watch it. Actually, my DVR is both a blessing and a curse. I haven't finished 10's "Doctor Who" episodes, or started 11's, and I've not watched any of "FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" yet. I'm sure I've got other things sitting on there too. One day I'll have to set aside a weekend to shut myself in my room and do nothing but watch old TV *LOL* Sad, but I think it'd be a nice weekend. Damn, but I really need a life!
Thinking of getting a pool. Aboveground, sure, but it would be good exercise. Plus, with all of Dad's conditions/injuries/illnesses, water arobics are the only sorts of exercise his doctor will let him do. I really want to get in shape anyway, and since I hate sweating water is the only way to work out. Or maybe I'll spend the money and get a membership to the gym that's just a few blocks away. Maybe the airconditioner's on high enough for me to work out and still be sweat free. Gawd, no wonder my ass is so big!
Think that's about it for my week. Hope you all had fun!
tv: doctor who,
first fridays,
jackie earle haley,
tv: fullmetal alchemist - brotherhood,
tv: boondocks,
movie: a nightmare on elm street,
tv: metalocalypse,