Still felt like crap this morning, but I tried to go to work. I started overheating and feeling sick to my stomach, and the cramps were so bad, so I asked for an EO when I got there. About half an hour before my shift Mike came and found me reading in the break room and told me I could have the day off. I was going to go straight home, but I was hungry and Del Taco was closer to me than home was, so I headed off for a taco. Then, since it's right next to the movie theater and it was only twenty minutes until "Wolverine" started, I decided that sitting in the dark theater and relaxing might be better than going for a walk to the bus stop in the heat.
So, "Wolverine"? I liked it. Didn't, however, love it. It felt kind of overly busy, like there was too much movie for just 107 minutes.
I loved Hugh Jackman, again, as Wolvie. He did great, just like in the first three movies. Liev Shriver (sp?) was a great Sabertooth, but I actually found him too likable for the role. I've never had a problem hating Victor in the comics, but I found him almost charming in the movie. It felt kind of wrong. Liked the dynamic between Logan/Victor and Hugh/Liev, they worked great together. I felt like Ryan Renolds, as Deadpool, was completely wasted. He had like half a dozen lines in the first twenty minutes of the movie and then that's it! Granted, they were funny lines, but I wish they'd done more with him. And Gambit? I've been pissed, just like a lot of fans, that Remy got left out of the first three X-men films, so I was really stoked to see him in this one. I wish there'd been more of him in this one, but I guess it's better than nothing. Enjoyed Remy and Logan's bits together, brief though it was. (I can just see the slashers typing away at thier keyboards as we speak *LOL*) I wasn't thrilled with the casting when I first heard about who was playing Gambit, and I'm still not now that I've seen him, although I didn't hate him. Wish the hair had been a bit longer, but the guy was hot enough for me to overlook that. But, seriously, how hard is it to fake a cajun accent?! And don't even get me stared on the eyes. A pair of contacts, how hard is that? One of my favorite things about Gambit are his eyes, and they completely fucked that up! It's my one big pet peeve of the movie, everything else I can ignore or understand, but this one is still ticking me off even six hours later. I hear that they're interested in doing a Deadpool movie (great idea, I'd love to see it) and possibly a Gambit movie (again, I'd love to see it, even with my gripes on the casting and portrayal) sometime soon. And, I hear that the actor playing Gambit would like to go a bit darker and set the movie durring Remy's time with the Theives Guild. That would be awesome, IMO. Oh, and naked Wolverine? Great fanservice, thanks writers/producer/whoever. *LOL* BTW, am I the only one who felt like a bad X-men fan because they couldn't place all of the cameos in the end when they release all of the mutants from the cells? I spoted Toad, and obviously the sister was Emma Frost (liked the way she kept hold of Scott's hand the whole time, kind of a tip of the hat to the relationship that the two are having right now in the comics, which I love) and Scott was the kid they swipped from the school. I'm thinking one of them was Iceman (or iceboy, since they were just kids at the time?) since the cell seemed to have a layer of ice going on, and I'm thinking the older kid with the white-blond hair might have been Quicksilver, but other than that I couldn't figure it out. Or maybe I'm just being anal *LOL* Anyway, long story short, good movie but not out of this world goood. Go see it, it's fun, very action-y and a great summer release, even if it's not quite summer yet. I'm glad I went.
I'm feeling a bit better after a nap, so maybe if I get a good night's sleep I might feel okay tomorrow. I mean, seriously, I only have to manage a two day work week! I'm still keeping my fingers crossed though. Afterall, we all know how I am about EOs. Wish me luck!