Aug 07, 2008 21:50
Okay, I call my mom after work tonight and my brother answers her phone. The brother who is supposed to be in New Orleans. This is after I got a weird email from my aunt saying she was diapointed in him and asking if my brother had ever "done anything like this before?" (No one has explained that one to me yet, btw.) I ask him what he's doing and he says he was bored with NOLA and decided to drive all night and come back to Las Vegas. Which, btw, was a trip made with his "girlfriend". Before he left for New Orleans he'd talked non stop about how she was driving him nuts, all they did was fight, and that he couldn't wait to find a new girl in NOLA. Which he did, nightly. However, he didn't tell her that, and she kept on thinking she was moving out to New Orleans with him in August. She went last week. Now they're both back! WTF!?!
But, on a funny note, I've had a fun past few days at work. Well, as fun as you can have at work, anyway. There's a boy named Martin who, if you tickle him in the slightest, will fall to the ground immediately and scream in a high pitched voice as he falls. He's a skinny, tall thing, and he looks like a pupet who's had it's strings cut *LOL* It's the funniest thing that I've ever seen, no joke! So, yesterday was all out war, with him trying to tickle me and me getting him to fall to the ground in front of our co-workers. It was very entertaining. (Hope this story didn't sound mean, we were just playing, really.) Then, today, before work I picked up my mail from my PO box. I got issue five of the "Torchwood" magazine from eBay. So, I'm reading the magazine at work, and I'm reading the interview with GDL. There are many pretty pictures, including one of Jack and Ianto kissing. Martin had been sneeking up behind me all day to see what I was reading. Even tried to swipe the mag a few times. Well, he's behind me just as I turn the page and he shouts, loude enough for everyone to hear, "Aggg, those guys are kissing!?!" *LOL* Everybody looked at him like he was crazy. It's a shame that tomorrow's my Friday but he won't be there to amuse me for the thrid day in a row.