commuter bike

Jun 11, 2009 16:23

I haven't timed my walk to work from the new place yet. I've only done it a couple times. It feels LONG. I suspect 25-30mins. Extending from 15-20mins to 25-30 somehow feels dramatic.

So I've been biking. Maybe it seems dramatically longer _because_ I'm biking. Anyhow, biking it is only 8-10mins. Long enough that it seems worth while taking the bike out of the shed, as opposed to my last place.

Anyhow, why I am writing. I'm looking for some advice on purchasing a commuter bike. Right now I'm riding my mountain bike.

The primary think I think I'll need is a fender of some kind since I'll be biking when it rains. Also, I've kind of fallen in love with disk brakes on my mountain bike - is that too much to ask of a 'bike to work' kinda thing? I'm thinking maybe a hybrid bike, or whatever you call the not-ultra-road-bikey bike. Parts of my ride have tons of crappy pot-hole strewn road. To the point that I might even consider a spring or shock absorber under the seat (but would worry I'd lose a lot of peddling power, thoughts?). I have one big hill at the end of my to-work trip that when I don't shift properly I have to stand to finish. (I suck at downshifting to the granny gear, always drop the chain).

I'll also want to put packs on the thing, so I can bring milk home from the store and stuff without putting it on my back.

I kind of find bike shops intimidating which is why I'm bringing up the conversation here before shopping. When I bought a mountain bike I did all the research and then bought the bike I wanted, but I'm wondering if all the above thoughts means a more 'build my own' type deal.
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