My old nub!mage from forever ago, which I shared on Taylor's account. Gawd, he was ugly. I'm glad my real character looks better. LOOK IN THE TOP RIGHT CORNER, TAYLOR
That's actually the only cap I have that shows Aeglos at level 16. >>;
Aeglos at 20.
Just as nubbish, but in a slightly snazzier robe. /o/
You had a Hunter, Taylor?
I think I remember seeing this one in action.
Still level 20, now with a snazzy robe.
This one must not have worked out, because I don't think she exists anymore.
I THINK I KNOW THIS PLACE. That's Stonetalon, right? I kinda dislike that place.
Puppy needs to learn to play nice, I take it. ;o;
Two levels later, snazzy robe gone. D'aww.