I was trying to get to sleep earlier, but, as usually happens when I'm actually trying to get to sleep, I couldn't.
Instead, I was thinking about the recent glut of snow we've gotten in my area. It's friggin' buried, guys, seriously. Well, it's buried by OUR standards. But anyways, my brain, in its typical roundabout way, jumped to the subject of some old christmas-related MP3s I had left on my (now unused) desktop when I transferred everything over to my laptop. (Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Yummy.) Which got me thinking about the desktop itself.
A few years back, my mom had gotten it for me for christmas-- just like she did with my current laptop, a couple years after that.
I remembered something she'd said when she got the desktop for me-- she said that she had been thinking of getting me a laptop, but she went for the new desktop instead because the guy at the shop had said that it would be "better for games".
"You mean the games I don't play?", I thought at the time. And yeah, I really didn't play anything more system-intensive than emulator games at the time. But anyways, I recalled how she'd chosen it because it was better for gaming. And this, in turn, made me think of how I'd been having problems with my laptop overheating and generally being slow while I was playing WoW.
"So... what if I went and grabbed those old songs off the desktop, then installed WoW on it?", I thought. "It's supposed to be better for gaming, after all."
So, unable to get to sleep at that point anyways, I went for it.
But when I turned the thing on, I was greeted with a message saying that my C:\ drive was dangerously low on memory. I checked how much was left, and nearly had a stroke. 29 MB out of 37 GB remaining. Holy CRAP.
So, spring cleaning ensued. I finally transferred the last of the files that I had neglected to take to my Laptop, and deleted my entire MP3 library, along with uninstalling several space-eating programs and generally scouring the thing into oblivion, deleting every single file that wasn't absolutely essential or incredibly nostalgic. (There was a bare minimum level of nostalgia that even the nostalgic things had to meet to avoid deletion.) I basically wanted to not only get my hard drive space out of the red zone, but also to be able to install WoW and have PLENTY of space left over.
But oh my GOD, I found some old stuff that I hadn't seen in forever. Songs I hadn't listened to in years... stuff I made forever ago... stuff like that.
(Michael: Do you remember when your catchphrase was "LAZORMUNKHEEZ"? 8D)
When I was done, I was left with 27 gigabytes out of 37 free. I increased the amount of free space on my hard drive ALMOST ONE THOUSAND FOLD. WOW, that was refreshing.
Anyways, flipping-out-and-going-all-"spring-cleaning"-on-the-hard-drive time was at least an hour, possibly a few hours. When I was FINALLY done, I got the WoW discs and got ready to install.
And I was greeted with a nice little message:
I checked. WoW requires at least 552 Megabytes of RAM. My desktop? 224 Megabytes of RAM. Less than half the minimum for JUST the game.
"Better for gaming", indeed.
In what era!?
So... yeah. All that work, for nada. But at least, it was fun to clear the dust off that thing, in both a figurative and literal sense. >3>;