Nov 05, 2024 12:51
I know it's election day, but I voted by mail about a month ago so voting was not top of my consciousness this morning. (And I'm too scared to think about this election anyway.) Therefore, when I was out walking after 9:30 am and kept seeing primary school kids out and about, I was wondering if there was some school holiday I wasn't aware of. Eventually the penny dropped: voting happens at elementary schools, or at least at our local elementary school, so of course the kids aren't at school today.
It's very warm today - over 21°C/70°F - and I very much enjoyed my long walk this morning (I covered 9+ km/5 ½ miles), even when it clouded over for a while during the time I was out. Before I got home again it was clear and sunny and very pleasant.
I've got a few things on my mental to-do list. One is have a couple of blinds repaired which have been unusable for *several years* because their strings broke. We were going to get them repaired early in 2020 but then everything went pear-shaped and we cancelled, and never got around to getting it done once things were better. So today I contacted Thumbtack and requested a handyman to come and do the job, and I'm hoping it will be done within a week.