QAF school stories

Mar 30, 2008 22:10

Okay, so I’m pretty new to the QAF fandom, and still in the learning process of knowing which sites to go to for certain things.... Sooo much easier with the SPN/J2 fandom where I’m been pretty much since the beginning, and where I know my way around. Anyway, about a month ago I received the complete QAF series in the mail (it’s never been on TV or out on DVD here), and have managed to see all five seasons in that month. So here I am now, ready to enter the world of QAF fanfic :) I’ve already read some, though not that many. I decided to come with a gift to this new fandom, and as I don’t write fic’s my self, make vid’s, icons or anything else, this is the way I do it.... making a list with B/J high school / college fics. “And why is that?”, you may ask. Well, since I already have such a list for the J2 fandom, I decided that I should probably just continue with what I know to do... which simply is to put together list’s.

If you know other stories that I haven't mentioned here, please feel free to mail the links to me - I'm sure there are many out there that I haven’t found yet :) Uh, and as always please let me know if you have suggestions for the list or ways to improve it.

The stories are listed alphabetically, with the title, author, length of story and a short summary for each story. I hope this will help with telling them apart.

If a story is a WIP, it is stated before the title - and I've also written when it was last updated.

WIP March 25th, 2007
A Promise of Tomorrow by SterlingDragonfly, 32.500 words
When Justin and Molly’s parents are killed, they go to live with their uncle and his partner. As Justin grows up, he becomes fascinated with a certain Brian Kinney.

WIP September 19th, 2005
A Soccer Story by looneylew, 956 words
Brian and Justin meet when their school's soccer teams play against each other.

A Way to Fall by burnitbackwards, 13 chapters
Justin is a bad little boy and gets sent away to boarding school.

Abroad by hannahkelli, 29.500 words
Brian and Justin meet on a flight to Ireland where they’ll both be attending College. Brian isn’t a Kinney, he’s a Vanderbilt.

WIP June 30th, 2006
Always Kiss Me Goodnight by FilthyxMind, 21.700 words
Justin and Daphne are seniors at St. James, Brian is a new student, Chris is an asshole as usual, and Justin experiences things that he’s never before experienced. Brian faces life altering and life threatening things of his own.

Always Mine by Draccone, 6.200 words
Brian, Justin, Michael, Emmett and Ted all went to high school together. Once it was over Brian left and never looked back. Years later he comes back because tragedy struck and he want to be there for Michael. What would happen when they all come together and memories start to assault them.

WIP September 18th, 2004
Bad Ass J by Tasha_and_Teagan, 26.000 words
Our boys, as well as the rest of the gang meet in a different way. Justin has been in juvee for the past 8 month and just got out. He has to go live with his parents and go back to High School. He is the bad boy. When Justin gets to HS he meets the gang and Brian also. Brian is the star soccer player, well rounded, parents are on PTA but never really around. A buzz starts.

Basements by yoursweater, 25 chapters
He never expected college to be like this.

WIP June 23rd, 2008
Below the Surface by Angeleyes, 100 words
Even in high school both of them are tremendously attracted to each other, however, love is not enough, or is it?

Bleeding Emotions by brandnewloser87, 37.700 words
Brian is a high school senior with a hidden talent. Justin is in his senior year of college with hopes of becoming an artist. What happens when they cross paths?

WIP February 6th, 2006
Boarding School Boys by Tasha_and_Draccone, 21.600 words
Brian and Justin meet at Boarding School. Brian is slightly the same but less of an asshole. Justin's a little bit of a fighter and is on the same level as Brian. Obstacles come and the boys deal with them as best they can.

Boys of Summer by Moonshadow_Woman, 91.700 words
Brian and Justin meet and fall in love one summer.

Brotherly Love by druglike
Jennifer Taylor and Jack Kinney get married. Brian and Justin become stepbrothers but fell in love with each other.

Camp by Verily, 30.300 words
Didn’t you have a crush on your camp counselor? Brian is 19 and Justin 15.

Close Your Eyes and Scream by Roxierose13, 19.100 words
Justin and Brian are seniors at St. James. Brian's new, and Justin doesn't like him, or so it seems...

Cohorts in Crime by CrazyFairy, 146.200 words
The age difference between Brian and Justin disappears and two histories are combined into one.

College Daze by hannahkelli, 59.700 words
Brian and Justin are College Students falling in love.

WIP August 5th, 2005
Coming of Age by emomuffin, 2 chapters
Brian Kinney is a high school teacher and one of his students, Justin Taylor, happens to have a huge crush on him. What will happen with sparks fly between teacher and student? And how long can they keep it a secret?

Coming Out by mericat92, 40 chapters
Brian & Justin meet when they’re both 17 and getting ready for their senior year in high school.
sequel Coming Home, 5 chapters
It’s five years later and things between Brian and Justin have fallen apart. Is their love for each other stong enough to bring them back together?

Cowry Shell by Rena
Brian and Justin meet when Justin is 10 and Brian is 22 and end up building an interesting friendship.

WIP June 26th, 2008
Cultivating Love by butterflytiger_1982, 36.400 words
Brian gets a great job to help him pay his way through school. It even includes a house in the garden that it is his job is to take care of. But on the day he is hired, he looks up and sees the most beautiful sight. Soon it's not only flowers that are growing in the garden.

Curve & Curve part 2 by mo_52, 2 chapters

Days of Wine and Roses by Moonshadow Woman, 81.000 words
Brian and Justin meet at University. Will they be together

Detention Day by BrianaWriter, 1.700 words
A Day In Detention for two high school seniors: Justin is a gay geek. Brian is a straight jock.

WIP June 6th, 2008
Dirty Little Secret by Naima
Brian is the high school soccer star and Justin is the shy artist with a haunting family life.

WIP August 29th, 2005
Don’t Phunk with my Heart by j_folked, 36.000 words
Justin and his sister are the coolest most popular kids of St. James Academy. That is until the Kinney twins come and try to steal that place among other things.

WIP April 25th, 2004
Evansville by happysamia, 3900 words
Brian and Justin are two gay boys in smalltown Iowa.

WIP December 29th, 2003
Everyday by Lyylee, 7.200 words
Brian and Justin are the same age and they meet for the first time at school.

WIP July 7th, 2006
FairyTale by AngelbabyCrazyseve, 14.300 words
Brian and Justin are in school together and have been best friends for ever and they know each other well! Warning: Mpreg

WIP December 17th, 2004
Feels Like Home by Sita
Brian and Justin are in high school together, and they HATE each other. Brian is really popular, and Justin gets made fun of because he’s openly gay. But what happens when the two get paired up to do a big project together?

WIP March 18, 2008
Finding my Way by qaf_obsession, 7.000 words
What happens when Brian meets Justin, the new student at school? What happens when Justin finds out the secret that Brian has been hiding? Will he be able to help? Mpreg

Freak vs. Jock by Lidyah, 22.300 words
Brian and Michael are the new boys at Jusin’s school.

From Utter Hell to Delicious Torment by Draccone, 73.200 words
Brian and Justin are in high school together and they...hate each other.

Going the Distance by mericat92, 14 chapters
Justin and Brian are 17 and living on opposite ends of the country. Justin is blind, but Brian doesn’t know it. Can technology bring them together, without tearing them apart?

Handcuffed by brandnewloser87, 20.200 words
Justin meets the new boy at school while trying to find his way out of an awkward situation.
+ it’s sequel
WIP August 12th, 2005
Bound by brandnewloser87, 16.000 words
After the handcuffs are unlocked, the boys remain bound together.

Hell is Other People by Shannon Marie, 25.300 words
This story starts when a ten year old Justin meets sixteen year old Brian, when Michael is his babysitter. Warning: later underage sex

High School by Sam, 530 words
Just a little AU fic finding our two boys in high school.

WIP March 12th, 2008
High School Body Guard by BrianaWriter, 5.500 words
A confident straight boy defends a shy gay boy from the school bully and this gang.
(ETA June 25th 2008: This story is no longer on the site - hopefully BrianaWriter will upload it on her new site. When/if that happens I’ll change the link)

High School Confidential by Vampire Moogle Muffin, 2.000 words
A very cracktastic view of the gang in high school.

WIP September 9th, 2005
High School Confidential by perhapsx, 32.000 words
Brian is forced to do something different with his life when some trouble arises.

WIP August 12th, 2005
High School Fucking Sucks by KaMiKaZe, 38.700 words
Justin is new in school and meets Brian on his first day. Together them and the rest of the gang make their way through the ups and downs of high school.

WIP October 24th, 2004
High School Sweethearts by The Slash Faerie, 415 words
They think they know him, they all believe that they’ve got him pegged. They are all sorely mistaken. Justin is an outcast at St. James Academy just the way he likes it. Shunned and ridiculed by his peers, Justin remains indifferent, and pours himself into his artwork. However, things aren’t as they seem; Justin’s got his own secrets, some that could deeply affect the lives of others. So, how will the apparance of a mysteious, hazel-eyed new student change Justin’s life?

WIP November 4th, 2004
I Like it All that Way by ethereal67, 7000 words
Brian and Justin meet in a college parking lot. The journey continues from there.

Innocence by Jans_intentions, 17 chapters
Marooned on a tropical island, Brian and Justin grow up together. Based on The Blue Lagoon as well as Lost. When the story starts Brian is 16 and Justin is 9.

Intrepid Traveler by irishka1205, 21 chapters
Justin goes back in time to 1990 to help Brian learn how to love.

Just Friends by Krissy, 7.200 words
Brian, Justin and Michael are the same age, goes to the same school, lives together and are best friends. Brian and Justin each realize that they are falling for each other, but try their best to hide it - thinking the other won’t feel comfortable with it.
(ETA June 25th 2008: The link is for a page where people are trying to find her story again, since her old page is down)

Keepin You a Secret by Liberty, 17.000 words
The first time I saw him he was walking down the hallway of school. He was different no one around this crappy school could ever been so beautiful and confident.

Kindred Love by Trishwish, 22 chapters
Brian is 14, Justin 12. They live in Philadelphia, and are neighbours
+ it’s sequel
WIP November 14th, 2006
Kindred Love: Boys to Men by Trishwish, 10 chapters
Justin is now a senior in high school and still mostly in the closet. He and Brian have continued to stay in touch. When he gets accepted to PIFA in Pittsburgh, Justin realizes that his life is about to change drastically.

WIP August 13th, 2005
Life in the pitts can be, well, the pitts by morning_sunshine, 3.900 words
Welcome to Pittsburgh, home to Brian Kinney and Justin Taylor. Brian and Justin are two high school seniors who go to two separate schools, with separate friends, and separate lives...both of which suck...big time.

Life Sucks by twins1729, 14.000 words
Justin is in high school and his life sucks. He has no friends, except for Daphne, sometimes. Brian and Emmett are there as well, but they don't give a shit when their friends harass Justin.

Lost by discothequey, 29.800 words
During a camping trip gone wrong, young Justin begins to discover his sexuality, as well as his attraction for seventeen-year-old Brian.
The author is planning to write a sequel called Found.

WIP January 4th, 2006
Making My Way by K8thegr8, 7000 words
Brian and Justin are both accepted to the University of Pittsburgh. They are both assigned to the same co-ed dorm floor on campus.

My Teenage Years by Lidyah, 39.200 words
Justin and Brian meet each other in St. James Acadmey. Together they face realities that neither one of them wished for, but will Justin choose the path that was laid before him, or the path to Brian?
+ it’s sequel
WIP September 25th, 2005
My College Years by Lidyah, 4.200 words

WIP March 9th, 2006
My Love by angelbaby, 3.800 words
Brian, Daphne and Justin grow up together and are best firends.

WIP June 24th, 2007
My Savior of Tonight by savior_of_tonight, 1.500 words
Brian and Justin are entering high school. From high school to college they experience life as only two men in love can.

WIP July 10th, 2008
New Kid on the Block by Bk_Jt_4EvA, 1.700 words
Brian is the new kid on the block. He is transfered to St.James where he meets Justin; the school’s most know rebel.

WIP February 18th, 2005
On My Honor by morningsunshine
Brian is a counselor at a Boy Scout summer camp; Justin is one of his young charges. Sparks fly, complications arise, and there might be some boy-on-boy action in here, too, oh my!

On the Devil’s Dance Floor by Roxierose13, 31.000 words
Prom is supposed to be the best night of your life, right? Through the pushing of meddlesome friends, Justin find himself obliged to go to Prom, but with who?

WIP June 3rd, 2005
Only Seventeen by AKiki03, 36.200 words
Justin’s new in a town he doesn’t like very much.

Private Lessons by Starema, 37.000 words
Justin is suffering from a long-term illness and needs some home schooling. In comes Brian Kinney to the rescue, a second year college student. Exactly, what lessons will he be teaching?

Queer as Grease by rhiannonhero
As the title say... this is QAF told Grease style.

Resist by Thyme, 36.700 words
Brian is a student from Ireland who has come to America to go to Pitt. Justin is the same age but has a hard “fuck ‘em and leave ‘em” attitude. They both have secrets in their past.

Small Town by Cindy, 40 chapters
Brian and Justin meet as teenagers and fall in love.

WIP May 11th, 2006
Simply Together by Juliet, 3.600 words

Something More by brandnewloser87, 34.000 words
There is nothing like a fuck buddy, but sometimes you just need something more.

Summer Camp by dligh, 4 chapters

WIP August 30th, 2005
Sunshine, Interrupted by Shibberfly88, 9.600 words
At 17 Justin has lost all hope folling an encounter at school and turns to unhealthy solutions. He is sent to a place called Anderson House, where he meets Emmett, Ted, Ben, Michael, and of course Brian. He soon realizes that this place isn’t all it says it is, and his one month stay may turn out to be an eternity. (Loosly based on Girl, Interrupted)

Take You Away by morrbran, 20 chapters
Justin is sent to a school for troubled teens when his parents find out he’s gay. Brian is his roommate. (Mpreg)
sequel Here With Me, 24 chapters
It starts where the last left off with Brian and Justin adjusting to life together and with the baby.
(The author is planning on writing a 2nd sequel).

WIP August 2nd, 2004
Taking a Chance by joissa, 12.700 words
This is Justin's freshman year at Penn State. He could be best described as a shy, insecure, anti-social type person. He's always been that way. However, that's not who he wants to be. Will Justin take a chance now that he's in college and break free from his shy self? Maybe with the help of a fellow classmate he will be able to loosen up. Feedback is much appreciated.

Teacher by ranton 1013
Justin is Brians Economics teacher.

Teacherfic by Laura Blaurosen and Rachel Anton, 15 chapters

The Art of Growing Up by ridiculously, 7.500 words
They ended going back to Justin's house, crawling up into his bedroom window instead of taking the front door. There was no reason they couldn't; Mr. and Mrs. Taylor had both known where Justin was going, and it was only nearing one. It just seemed more exciting, more forbidden. Just like the second before Brian remembers kissing Justin felt like.
+ it’s sequel Existentialism by ridiculously, 4.200 words
He's hands in my hair and hips, mouth sliding against my throat and knees nudging mine apart. Hips pressed together and fingers behind ears, lips against the bridge of my nose and eyelashes against my cheeks. He's fucking got me wherever he wants me and secretly it's also the other way around.

WIP August 16th, 2003
The Boy Next Door by Nicole 139.700 words
Brian and Justin grow up next door to each other and are best friends.

The College Boys by randysgirl-645, 6.000 words
Brian strips for a living while going to college.

The Difference Between Now and Then (aka Split Fic) by sonofabiscuit77, 125.000 words
Brian and Justin were together for five years back in college (think early - mid 90’s), then they broke up... Now, they’ve met up again after seven years of long apart-ness. What happens in the present is NOW and what happened back when they were first together is, well, THEN.

The Dry!Series; Part 1-4 5-7 & 8-9 by Alantie
Two teenage boys falling in love through the seasons of coming-of-age.

WIP July 8th, 2004
The High School Life by Cathie V, 8.000 words
A look of how the QAF gang would act in high school.

WIP October 8h, 2008
The Hottie Next Door by blue_sunrises, 22/?
Brian’s a high school senior and he as usual, likes his tricking. However, what will happen when a hot blond moves next door to Mikey? Will Brian find himself falling for the kid?

The Life of a High School Student by galesgirl645, 6.000 words
Brian and Justin meet each other in the backroom.

WIP January 3rd, 2008
The Space Between by arlad, 14.600 words
Brian and Justin meet while they’re both in college. Their first meeting is cut short by a crisis, and instead of having sex, they end up becoming friends and roommates. But were they meant to be just friends?

Try Honesty by Zackeh, 18.500 words
After being popular at his old school, Justin’s thrown into the deep end as the arrives at Saint James from New York, where the gang are. Justin’s an arrogant prick with the baby face. What will happen when Brian and him meet? Has Kinney met his match?

WIP May 27th, ?
Unbrotherly Love by Trishwish, 10 chapters
Brian and Justin are both 16 years old. Their parents are both divorced. Justin’s mother and Brian’s father fall for each other. Justin is having a hard time letting the Kinneys get close to him. What happens when they unexpectedly become “family”?

Ungodly by coming_stayin, 32.700 words
Church camp - homosexual happenings at said church camp - much, much more. What’s not to like?

Untitled by spuzz, 12.000 words

WIP November 10th, 2005
Vacation Getaway by Mani, 7100 words
Brian, 20, is a Boston college student. And Justin, 16, is on vacation with his parents. Brian meets Justin and they have to keep it a secret from Justin's parents. What else happens on this vacation?

WIP December 17th, 2006
Veni Amor, 63 chapters
This is a roleplay where Brian and Justin are in high school, aged fifteen.

Ways of Life...: Starlet by illusionofdepth, chapter 1, 2 & 3
The Peterson twins, Brian and Lindsay, dominate their high school's musical theater department, starring in the annual musical year after year. A new student, a child star named Justin Taylor, threatens to change that.
+ Ways of Life...: Gossip
The gang is a group of teenagers going to school at a posh boarding school.
+ Ways of Life...: Catholic School
In Catholic school, an affair is going on...
+ Ways of Life...: The Bet, 3 chapters
High school archenemies Brian Kinney and Justin Taylor make a bet: The first to bed gorgeous virgin Emmenett Honeycutt is to win the big prize -- The other boy in his possession for a week.

Yearbooks by brandnewloser87, 2.500 words
Brian and Justin exchange yearbooks.

You’re supposed to Fight by Jag1686, 4.300 words
Brian and Justin meet in high school and realize that to get what you want, you have to fight.

Last updated March 1st, 2009 - There are 88 stories / series on this list! - No new stories for this update, but all the WIP’s have been checked

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