Hello from Jamestown, North Carolina

Jul 03, 2007 07:10

I only got online very briefly at McDonald's - who knew they sold wifi access for $2.95/hour? - the other night to find someone's address and phone number and try to reach them by email since they weren't answering their phone. (Turned out it wasn't working) So I thought I would update you all about my trip so far - quickly.

I flew to DC on Saturday morning, arrived late afternoon, got my rental car and drove to my friend E's place. Stayed there Saturday night - she had other company as well - andwent to church with her Sunday morning. We all went to lunch and then napped, so I got a late start heading for North Carolina. Didn't get to my friend M's until 10pm or after. We visited several hours - hadn't seen her since Chicago Creation Con 2004! I crashed on her couch and took off the next morning to do some genealogy in Beaufort County, a couple hours away. Had some good luck there running into a couple from the local genealogical society. Drove back to Raleigh and took M out to dinner, dropped her off and headed to Winston-Salem to stay overnight with another friend. This gave me ready access to Guilford County this morning.

So here I am in the Jamestown Library. Jamestown is celebrated its 400th birthday. I know that doesn't seem old to you Europeans on my flist, but as America goes...it's OLD!

ETA: I realized after posting this that it wasn't THIS Jameston but the one in Virginia, which is celebrating 400 years...genealogy is helping with my poor geography skills!

I know there's *someone* in my family tree with a connection here, but now that I've arrived, I can't find in my genealogy program. FRUSTRATING!

But I'm going to look around Jamestown in a bit and then move on to Greensboro, the county seat, I think.

Tonight I stop off on my way back to DC in James City County Virginia and crash at E's friends' house - the ones who were visiting over the weekend. E went home with them, and I'll pick her up there. Wednesday morning we'll go back to DC, pick up my stuff and head to Philly (Philadelphia for the non-Americans who might not know that abbreviation/nickname) for the Fourth of July. My friends' daughter lives there/goes to medical school, and their other daughter, the one who attends Yale Graduate School (Drama) will be down, too. Then we're off to visit another online friend in INDIANA!

Hopefully I'll get a chance to update again soon, but don't hold your collective breath.

Happy 4th of July to all my American flisters, in case I don't get online tomorrow.

travel, vacation

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