Jul 05, 2005 08:10
Last month, the Discovery Channel ran that "100 Greatest Americans" thing. And, although I should probably make a bigger deal about it, I'm not really posting here to complain about Ronald Reagan being chosen for 1st place.
I'm picking ten folks to remove from the list and giving suggested replacements. (The 10 removed are not the only ones I object to, btw.)
Bill Cosby, although I think some of this comedian's early work is funny - and, from time to time, still find myself quoting bits of it - apparently I have been left completely in the dark about his contributions to improving the human condition and advancing the boundaries of our potential as a species.
Clint Eastwood is the winner of the Zeitgeist Award (imo). I doubt he'd even be on this list if Million Dollar Baby hadn't been so recently honored.
Elvis Presley. I've been told that one third of Americans think this guy is the greatest entertainer who ever lived. Who was it before Elvis? Orson Welles? I'd like to see if the goons who voted for Elvis also hold this opinion of his greatness as an entertainer. There's some footage of a quite drunk Elvis confessing, during an unscheduled break in a performance, that even he was confused by his success. He's probably gyrating in his grave at being elevated from greatest entertainer to 71st Greatest American.
Frank Sinatra. Sigh. I won't even play his songs at a wedding. In fact, I've been asked not to play them on more than a few occasions.
George Lucas. Jar. Jar. Binks.
Lucille Ball. I Loathe Lucy. Always have.
Martha Stewart. Am I the only person on the planet who cannot see or hear this woman and not think, "Her eyes are a little too close together, aren't they?" And, though I won't try to deny she's a shrewd business pig, I think there's more than enough evidence to convict this furnishing fascist of being "just not right."
Mel Gibson. Only future history will be able to make the determination whether this man is the next Martin Luther or an authentic goon. I'm impatient to wait for the outcome, so I vote "goon."
Arnold Schwarzenegger, …uh… is he an American?
Michael Jackson, …uh… is he even human?!
So, here is my request for the Discovery Channel:
Set a requirement that nominees be dead - or wait until I am - before you do it again.